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ProBlogger HQ 2.0

Posted By Darren Rowse 11th of January 2008 Video Posts 0 Comments

A few weeks back I mentioned in passing that I’d show you my new office in a video. I never quite got around to that – so thought I’d show you today.

It’s not a whole lot different to last time in terms of desk and equipment but the outlook and room itself is a lot brighter and more comfortable. One thing I forgot to mention in the post is that this house not only has central heating for winter but for days like today (which will go over 42 degrees Celsius or 108 Fahrenheit) it’s got evaporative cooling.

As I did last time I did a tour of my office – feel free to show your own Blogging HQ in comments below. Do it as a post, post a picture to flickr or a video to youtube – and include the links below.

Here’s what readers shared last time (here and here).

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Nice! Nice! Hey who knows? I might be geting me one like that soon!

    Paul, http://www.ptlblog.com

  2. I’ll have to take a photo of mine in daylight, but this should give an idea: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wtl/1445182653/ of my setup.

  3. Awesome video!

    Here’s my blogging HQ:


    (Sorry about the quality!)

  4. curly@csat.binc.net says: 01/27/2008 at 11:56 am

    love it

  5. hi darren,

    Love your office, and your site. Congrate’s man!

    Im a blogger from Malaysia/Singapore. Actually im wanting to blog for money, money and money, of course and also for fun and my photography.

    Im a photographer and a love to write.

    Can you pls help my view my site and give me some advise what to improve and how i can start earning more…


  6. Must admit, it’s totally addictive taking a look at everyone’s work stations!

  7. Nice HQ… I love the Mac Monitor

  8. Thanks also for giving me a good laugh with this line in your comment above:

    “I should say that some of those books are my wives”

    I think you meant to say “my wife’s”. :D

  9. nice and simple arrangement of work space.
    like your idea of having wireless mouse and keyboard. It unclutters the desk quite a bit doesnt it ?

    How did you manage the lighting? I was seeing brief moments of dim lighting and then suddenly the light went up.

    Vineet Nair

  10. Hi Darren,
    we love your office! Me and my wife just started a blog website BreakfastAtStefanies.com and bellow is link of our office.

  11. Wireless keyboard and mouse look so tidy!
    On the cord-hiding issue, somewhere I’ve seen a powerbar that lets you store the extra cordage inside it. Besides your built-in bookshelves, that’s a workplace item I am coveting! Can’t find it again now, of course, but I do keep seeing a T-bar shaped PVC cable organizer made to fit along the edge of the desk that looks like it might do the trick, if somewhat less subtle to look at.

  12. Books: It’s like having the internet on your shelves :)

  13. I have been away for a while and only reading your feeds but here it is. You might recognize them;)


  14. One day I’ll have my own HQ.

  15. I just made a video post about:
    My Mobile Office on one of my sites . .. It’s pretty simple, and I try to stick to 3 key concepts.

  16. hehe your keyboard looks like a piece of paper with keys drawn on it.

  17. Here’s mine:


    Just upgraded to the 30″ Cinema Display yesterday, so am loving it! And I’m totally not down with these tidiness, un-clutter types.. if I’m focusing on decluttering all the time, I’m not getting enough work / imagining done. Some of us *thrive* in (clean) clutter!

  18. Here is a video I did of my home for some of my friends. Its of my whole house but in the beginning I show off my Blogging HQ.


  19. Emily says: 02/06/2008 at 2:35 am

    I found an idea for your cord issues under your desk. Check out this website below. I have a friend that loves these.


  20. A photo of my set up:

    I bog, code, and edit video from this spot. Works well enough for me, even though it looks like a bomb went off.

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