Just a very quick post to let readers know that I’m playing with Plurk (another micro blogging/life streaming tool that is a little like Twitter).
At first I only intended to grab my names (problogger and darrenrowse) and use them as placeholders but I’m now starting to find it a really interesting medium. It takes the Twitter experience to the next level with threaded comments, cliques/groups (yet to explore these) and all kinds of other features.
It’s a little quirky and it takes a while to get used to the way updates are displayed (it’s all on a sideways scrolling timeline) but it’s definitely got some potential. Anyway – if you have time in your life for another social media site – check out Plurk. At the least it could be worth reserving your name/s in case it does get popular and you want to use it at some point in the future.
PS – if you’re a ‘Plurker’ tell us what you think about it in comments below. What do you like about it, what don’t you like about it and how would you describe it?
I am soooo enjoying Plurk. I really am. It is a bit confusing at first, but the Plurk community was more than helpful. And, within a couple of hours I’m Plurking like a Pro. But, I must tell you….. Watch out!! It’s addicting!! :)
I use it and like it, not sure if it will take off like twitter, but it is more interactive and the reply system is really slick, and encourages communication
Funny, I started plurk seconds before I saw this pop up in twitter. I am currently lost. I will follow this tread and continue learning. If any avid plurkers want to help a newbie tweet me @jaredmlee
I’m finding it pretty fun to use. I like the timeline view and have now started using Ping.fm to do some updates. It could use a search function (find people by location/interests/etc…) and maybe something like twitter’s public_timeline where you can see what everybody else is doing.
Threaded Tweeting. Fun. Beautiful. Needs an API for sure though.
It’s nice because on Twitter, thoughts go by and you look stupid for catching up with them too late. On Plurk, you can go back to that comment and start a conversation, and not look stupid.
I’m also checking it out, and so far what I like the most is that comments (@replies) are threaded, so I’m more apt to reply to somebody’s update because it won’t clutter my own updates.
This makes the service more social, and one look at Darren’s plurk stream shows how cool it can be to get lots of comments on the things you say.
Followed your plurk ;) This is just great!
Plurk seems to be the hot new thing, almost everyone on my Twitter list is running over to it. But the interface just bugs me. Not that I like Twitter’s that much either, but I can use Twirl and read what is happening easier. The side scrolling and move-overs to read on Plurk annoys me. Plus I can’t use it with any thing else, like my Friend Feed. If Plurk and Twitter could be combined or cross-fed so that a post to one also hit the other I’d be much happier. I also prefer Twitter w/Twirl because I can stay connected and still be able to do other things, Plurk seems more hassle to read and more time consuming to keep up with. Working from home I need simple and easy.
I just need a bit more time for it to grown on me. Still trying to get down the ins and outs of Twitter….lol.
It’s definitely interesting and kinda fun. Still need to get used to it because it’s a little like ADHD, an acid trip, and whack-a-mole all plurked together.
Plurk is ChatterCrack… even more so that Twitter, Pownce, Jaiku, and FriendFeed combined!
The timeline and the way to group conversations together is quite good.
It’s fun.
Twitter’s been a’flurry with news about people hopping on Plurk. It’s gotten to the point that you can’t *not* pay attention.
My only criticism today is their lack of SMS support, but there’s news they have plans to roll it out in the near-term. Meanwhile mobile support at plurk.com/m may pass, but it doesn’t help those of us plurking from devices without data plans.
Plurk is awesome mate, better then I thought it was. At least so far more favorite then Twitter.
Added you yesterday as my friend :)
I’ve been using Plurk for a couple of days, like you, just to grab mi name (germanmartinez), and I’m not really pleased with it. Yes, it has a new timeline, but it’s not as usable as the twitter one.
Switched from Twitter to Plurk because of Twitter’s uptime problems, now I’m on Twitter again.
I joined PLURK yesterday and I can’t stop PLURKING!!!
It’s like Pownce and Twitter on Crystal Meth. Once you try it, you can’t STOP!!
I wrote an article about my experiences signing up and using Plurk for the first time entitled Should You Plurk? – http://www.dancingaboutarchitecture.org/should-you-plurk/
The site was extremely buggy and important features like the ability to add friends were down. I had a very bad user experience and my overall impression was that Plurk was a waste of my time and a good way to raise my blood pressure.
Since then I have been back to try it out and the issues I initially encountered seemed to have been resolved. Still, I must admit, I like Twitter better.
I used it for a little while but quickly deleted my account. It’s very cluttered and unorganized and I can’t see myself using it on a constant basis. I understand they’re trying to be unique but at this point it’s just not something I see myself wasting time on.
Plurk is a lot more fun than Twitter imho – but I haven’t figured out the clique feature yet! :)
Don’t know if I can maintain two social media apps at the same time >.<
Plurk is like Twitter posts with personality…
Thanks for adding me Darren.
Plurk Name: “mr_gadget”
Just signed up! too many social networking apps nowadays, they are eating a lot of your time. Need to use them wisely and effectively so that these tools do not get counter productive.
PLURK pwns. It’s Twitter on Crystal Meth and Acid at the same time. Since Darren already has a cool gold star, and to show how addicted I am to PLURK, just click the link on my name and feel free to join and be my buddy!
Plurk is very addictive and fun, it seems to bring out the silly/fun side in all the plurkers. Twitter and Plurk are like twins, same basic premise with different implementation.
Darren, and all, Plurk is really just more fun. The community seems to be much more open, but it is not a Twitter replacement. I actually wrote a post on this a couple of days ago to give an update on my experience to date:
Those who love Twitter will find it challenging to switch to Plurk (esp if that’s where your network are). But Plurk is its own beast. It take time to learn its strange habits, but I have a feeling it will grow on us all. And as the API is opened up and new features become available, it could well become a solid competitor to Twitter.
I would love my plurks to feed into my twitter or vice versa, at least I could keep up with some conversations on both applications, I do like the simplicity of twitter, I don’t necessarily need to be in a discussion, and I like to keep working on what I need to do and play and send out messages of love, silliness, or blog posts. If somebody wants to read them super, cause I love to do it! however, it’s just as enjoyable for my experience, and is helping my find a voice through my writing. i like writing more and more, and am appreciative of the abilities that twitter allows.
but I am a patient creature, and only do anything that is enjoyable. so as things start going in one direction or the next, I’ll get there. I just don’t need to be the first on the spot. I’m having too much fun living, playing, sharing, and enjoying the moment.
I find plurk is too addictive :)
One feature that I haven’t seen is the ability to book mark or ‘fave’ a conversation.
BTW, the book is a great read. I’ve got much more realistic about my blog(s) and have a better idea of how to build them up. thanks for that
Great so far and more visual. Options for different views would be nice.
I have been using Plurk for a few days. I’ve slowly grown my friend base. I do like the threaded conversations because they are easy to follow. I like that in “conversing” with these people I get a sense of their personality, sense of humor, etc. more than I do with Twitter.
However, the timeline seems backwards to me. I’m used to timelines running left to right versus the Plurk way.
I think Plurk has greater potential than twitter. But I’m not going to start using it yet, I’ll wait to see what happens with the API.
Another one on the list…The ever expanding list….
I signed up on Plurk and am hoping I get used to it. I think I might be more of a “regular” blogger rather than a “micro” blogger, but I’m giving it a day in court!
http://mdesignboutique.blogspot.com/ is my regular blog…and i’m mdesignboutique on plurk if anyone wants to plurkize/ate with me!
It took me about two days to get used to Plurk after moving from Twitter. Once Plurk gets a desktop app running ala Twhirl it could really become huge. If you decide to give Plurk a try say hello! I’m /user/papamike
Hi Darren, if you think Threaded Comments is on the next level, why don’t you replace this your commenting system with threaded comment? Sorry it just flashed on my mind :)
oh great, and now that Plurker is unavailable? Just got a Problogger effect i guess
Decided to grab some placeholders myself and felt drawn to Plurk. I like the sideways timeline, but it goes the wrong way for my mind –newer stuff inserting to the left instead of to the right. I didn’t see if there was a setting to change that or not. The drop-down list of comments was interesting. I think if I had a huge plasma screen on the wall to follow Twitter, Plurk, my blogs, and emails all at the same time I could handle these “micro-blogging” tools without going too insane.
@michellegreer yeah, i agree, almost as stupid as i feel right now writing this comment, haha
The problem with all twitter ‘competitors’ is the fact that everyone is already so invested in twitter. All their friends are there as well as their whole archive.
I personally like plurk more thank twitter. But none of my twitter friends are actively using it, leaving me plurking to myself…
Until people start adopting it more I don’t know how much I’ll plurk even with it’s better up-time and snazzier features.
Perhaps using a service that updates them all would be appropriate though in that case I just feel like I’m adding redundant noise to the internet.
It’s very addictive. I signed up yesterday after only the day before swearing off use of it because it just looked way too quirky.
I changed that opinion after seeing everyone else on my twitter list jumping ship so to speak with twitter’s intermittent downtimes.
I like Plurk a lot better because it’s much more conducive to friendly conversations with people. It’s also nice that you can see your friends friends in a conversation w/o having to friend/fan them.
The sidescrolling is hard to get used to but very nice once you do.
I’m plurking right now. Well just started tonight. I’m going to reserve my judgment until a couple weeks from now. Although at first look it’s not as helpful as twitter because it’s too scattered, but as I said it’s not fair to judge so soon. I didn’t like Twitter in the beginning either.
I’m just wondering why all of a sudden everyone is talking about Plurk!? Plurk this, plurk that. I refuse to join just because I’m tired of hearing about it. Maybe when the hype dies down, I’ll join.
Another place to waste the time. Can’t wait to see your tips for Plurking
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Discovered this afternoon I enjoy the Plurk mobile view in (laptop) firefox sidebar…less mess and any comment you click opens in reg browser window. http://www.plurk.com/m
hi darren.. i am one your Plurk friends and fan now :)
I really like Plurk, so far. I enjoy the interface (I’m a Machead, so I like pretty things) and I enjoy the timeline format. It’s like so many of these social media sites, though, that it will only be as valuable as it is able to attract many users. We’ll see. See you there!
Eric (deepesthealth)
Whooooooo! More follow spam than Twitter. Not good.
I never had any luck with Social networking sites but m still gonna try is since all of you are doing may be i will get something with this one
Add me! Plurk name: xgravity23
I love Plurk so far, except that the scrolling timeline doesn’t show up on my work computer or my laptop: Only on my husband’s desktop. Weird.
Anyway, I love the comments in context, not sure how I feel about the scrolling timeline, but my inclination is that it will become more natural the more I use it.
Love that they give you a few extra characters by providing several potential verbs to start your tweets–er, plurks–with.
LOVE the private posting! I’ve started keeping a mini diary of my day there. All the things you WANT to post but politeness, tactfulness, and wanting to keep your job don’t allow you to say. :) Hope I never accidentally forget to make those private!
Can’t wait to be able to see more people there. That always makes a service more fun. I bet many of the bugs that people mention above will get worked out. Looks like Plurk is just a wee baby right now, compared to Twitter.
Plurk is an interesting concept, but is too noisy. It will be overshadowed by Twitter’s massive and loyal following within 6 months.
Who has time for ANOTHER microblog? If Twitter would just invest a little in its infrastructure, we would be good.
Sticking with Twitter
Just getting used to Plurk, but I love the scrolling timeline, and the fact that each plurk is like a forum post – the responses being associated with the post rather than just coming in one big stream like on Twitter.
Having said that, Twitter is definitely simpler and I really don’t know whether I’ll end up choosing to stick with one service over the other, or keep going with both at the same time.
As Michelle says above, Plurk does need an API so that people can start building fancy apps to make it easier to use in conjunction with other services.
Plurk/Twitter: cdhinton