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My 6 Favorite Blogging Locations

Posted By Darren Rowse 23rd of February 2011 Miscellaneous Blog Tips 0 Comments

Where do you blog from?

One of the most attractive parts about blogging as a profession for me is the independence and flexibility that it brings.

I can work from anywhere that I can find an Internet connection. In fact, I don’t even need that at all times—I just need some kind of device to capture the content that I produce (something to type on, a camera, and/or a microphone).

This flexibility, and the opportunity to be location-independent, are wonderful things. They’ve meant I’m able to travel and work from the road; they’ve enabled me to be quite hands-on with my family (particularly useful when your kids are toddlers!), and they’ve also cut down the dreaded commute that I used to have to do when I worked a “real” job.

The other great thing about this type of work—combined with the ever-increasing array of portable computing gadgets that are around—is that from day to day, I’m able to work in all kinds of locations. This variety can be both fun and make life a little more interesting, but it can also help stimulate all kinds of creativity.

Someone asked recently what were my favorite places to blog from. Here’s what I said (and I’d love to hear your favorites below):

1. Cafes


The combination of coffee, a computer, and the white noise of those around me is a very productive mix for me. I spend at least four mornings a week in my local cafe, just a short stroll from our front door. The staff greet me with ‘Blogger dude!” and bring me my drink of choice (a skinny latte with one sugar) without needing to be asked (and a second one 30 minutes later, or on the nod of the head—whichever comes first!). They even installed WiFi just for me.

Other patrons ask how I ever get anything done with all the noise, but for me it’s a strangely productive place where I find myself getting lost in my work. I also enjoy the fact that there are others around—snippets of overheard conversation or interactions with others in the cafe often produce ideas, stimulate blog posts, and even generate product ideas.

2. Shopping centers (the mall)

A variation on the cafe approach has been a semi-regular visit to a local shopping center or mall. The one I go to is among the biggest in Melbourne, and has a great range of cafes, a food court, and several hundred shops—including an Apple store. I enjoy working there partly for similar reasons to those mentioned above (white noise, coffee, etc.), but also because I find the environment quite stimulating for ideas.

I have a little routine that I use: an hour in one cafe; a 15-minute stroll through the shops, where I get all kinds of marketing ideas; an hour in a second cafe; another stroll through shops; then I settle down in the food court or a resautrant for lunch. The combination of all this is surprisingly productive (and I keep the Apple store in business with my regular stop-offs there).

3. The library


I don’t get there as much as I used to since we moved further away from the city, but I always found the big library in the center of Melbourne to be an inspiring place to work, and I used to head there at least once a month. I found just being in a place where others were working and reading used to help me still myself and focus.

Having a vast array of books, magazines, and newspapers on hand for little breaks was also quite stimulating, but the real treat for me is the reading room pictured above, which is just an inspiring place to hang out.

4. Flying

One of the most memorable work sessions that I’ve ever had was on a recent flight from Melbourne to Los Angeles. While I never used to enjoy that flight (14 hours cramped up next to a stranger with not much to do? Not fun!), the last few times I’ve flown, I’ve found myself being particularly productive

Perhaps it’s the altitude or the oxygen they pump around the plane (do they do that?) but I often get a lot done flying. This could also partly be because this is one of the few times in my life that I’m disconnected from the Web (those international flights don’t have WiFi yet). It might also be because I’m traveling to and from conferences that I find to be stimulating experiences.

5. On the couch


Most weeknights you can find me sitting in our lounge room, next to my wife, on the couch, in front of the TV, blogging. I’m not sure how much of the TV I actually watch, but I find the experience to be a good way to wind down at the end of a day.

There are times where my wife needs to tell me to put the computer down so we can connect (although she often sits there surfing too), but all in all it’s usually a reasonably productive time. I tend to use it mainly for admin-type tasks—email, social media, comment moderation, etc.—rather than creative ones, but occasionally I’ll find that something from the TV also stimulates ideas for my work.

6. My desk and office

This is where I do the bulk of my blogging. While I like to get out of the house in the morning to write (mornings are generally more about writing content and creative tasks), I spend the bulk of my afternoons in my home office. This is where I create multi-media content, do interviews, take calls, and do most of the admin and editing tasks that I do.

I did a tour of my office a few years back—not a lot has changed in terms of layout, although I now mainly work from a laptop rather than the desktop computer.

What about you?

Where do you spend most of your time blogging? Which places do you enjoy blogging the most? Do you find different places are better for certain tasks more than others? Interested in your thoughts.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Ditto on all of those. I also get a lot done at cafes. I used to go to Borders (in the US) but they just closed – so I won’t be going there anymore! Also, in bed; especially on weekend mornings.

  2. I’ve got a big beanbag which I throw myself on from time to time. I blog from my desk mostly though, as I prefer having a solid surface for my mouse.

    • I definitely prefer a stable flat surface with a mouse when I blog. And just like you I throw myself on a beanbag when I want to calm my mind and rest my back as well.

  3. I just tweeted the other day that I think I need to get OUT of the house more! So my goal is to head out to a cafe next Sunday (my blogging day of choice) and get some space from my normal home studio/office.

    Of course, finding a nice cafe that is actually open near where I live is going to be a big challenge… the countryside does have its drawbacks! But I will persevere!

  4. It’s not so much the location that matters, but with whom I am blogging. When I am with colleagues or like-minded individuals, I seem to get the most creative ideas for blogging.

    However, when I must fly solo, coffee shops are absolutely wonderful for getting in the blogging mood. The atmosphere is conducive to getting work done seeing as I’m usually surrounded by students and/or other individuals that work primarily online. Also, the people-watching is always fun when you need a mental break from the computer screen.

  5. Of course I also work at my desk, but like you I enjoy the cafe and the plane. Planes are a great way to get stuff done – if you are alone! I also enjoy writing outside on my comfy outdoor chairs. I actually seem to be more productive everywhere but my desk!

  6. This may sound rather dull after all your different places but I am at my most productive at my desk in my study with my TV on (playing DVDs) and my PC switched on. I get plenty done. By plenty I mean every task I set myself for the day.

    I have never tried the cafe approach. I don’t fly much (thankfully lol) and I fear I would not be too great on the plance considering it is the one place I hate to be – off the ground.

    I suppose I could branch out and try other places and I think it would be healthy to get out and about more (I see Jess has the same idea in another comment).

  7. I am quite lazy blogger! I went to a Cafe and I couldn’t agree more that Cafes are the best place to sit and blog. It keeps your mind fresh with a cup of coffee. The worst blogging place is my room (where I spent my most of the time on internet). I once also tried blogging in my University and it was full of distraction, but the time I spent alone there was perfect for blogging. I am now focusing on making a small office where I can work peacefully. And I also got motivation after reading your post.

  8. Wow! never tried from any cafe or shopping mall and i usually blog from the couch or office desk but i guess cafe or shopping mall would be fun…

  9. I think, comfortable cafes are the best places probably. Especially those which don’t have a lot of people traffic.

  10. A little over two years as a full-time blogger and I’m pretty sure I’ve written less than 5 posts from anywhere except home. I’m just too easily distracted to get any real work done in a public place with people coming and going all the time.

  11. When In the US I like routine. It gets my mindset in a “work” mode. So I always work out of my office or Starbucks (my 2nd office). I just got back from an 8 month working tour of Europe a bit ago, and found that while THERE I would blog from all sorts of strange places.

  12. Wow, all the time I just stick myself on my own desk for working up my blogging. These are cool and fun, to be able to go anywhere I wish and writing content for my blog.
    Love especially the cafes. :D

  13. I’m realizing that I can get a lot more done out of the house, than in. I work at a college, so it’s really easy for me to find quiet nooks and crannies to get some tasks done. There’s something about being dressed and being in the frame to work vs. in comfy clothes on couch. At home, there are so many temptations. I think this concept goes along with ‘solidifying and defending’ that needed writing time.

  14. After blogging (or doing any other activity) for an extensive period of time at home, it feels only natural to need to get away. Obviously here in Sydney there are no shortage of cafes as well so that is where I spend the majority of my time away from the desk, but I haven’t tried your cafe crawl idea – will have to look into that!

  15. Hey Darren,

    Thanks for sharing this post. This is one of a dream job conditions that I desire (I’m sure all the bloggers out there too) and strive to get :)
    Meanwhile, my blogging places are currently limited to my desktop computer at the living room and the laptop at the kitchen. As I still have full time daily job, I cannot afford myself to go the places mentioned on this post, but blogging outside my house is one of my goals for this year :)


  16. I love to blog from my university where has fast internet connection

  17. I do most of my blogging from my home office, but if I really want to have quality writing time, I take a pencil and a spiral notebook to my bedroom or to my recliner in the living room for some focused peace and quiet!

  18. I love the mall idea! I just saw last night that our local mall has wifi – I had no idea! I’m definitely going to escape the house and the kids and head to the mall to blog ASAP!

  19. I spend most of my blogging time on my couch checking out some tv or maybe I will be in some cafe. I have not yet blogged at a mall yet which I think I would want to.

  20. I’d absolutely love to go blog at my local french cafe or at the mall, I can imagine that the atmosphere for me would be very stimulating; people-watching always gets me thinking! Unfortunately, the only time I have to write at the moment is from 3am – 6am when my kids are sleeping. I tried working when they were awake, but it was just bad news in every way. I need to give them my full attention during the day, so many ideas get jotted down hastily on whatever scrap of paper is lying around while I’m playing with my kids. Although I adore engaging with my kids and being a very hands-on mom, I do look forward to the school years and those cafe days! (oh, and more sleep too :-))

  21. I’ve worked from all those locatoins, but have found that hotels are another great place to work. The lack of my normal surroundings helps keep me focused. Maybe that’s why I like traveling so much…

  22. You can work surrounded by noise? That’s most impressive, Darren.

    I, for one, need quiet. My blogging spot of predilection are parks, seated on green grass, with my sunglasses on, feet soaked in a river. The sound of birds chirping relaxes the mind and gets my cerebral juices flowing. That is if I had a laptop.

    In the absence of the latter, I just lay in bed, on my grass-inspired sheets, feet soaked in a bowl of water, and with sunglasses on to alleviate monitor radiation. Music in the background helps, especially a newfound interest in how hip hop verses are written.

    Oh, I LOVE your blue sneakers! ;)

    • You don’t need a laptop. Bring a notebook and write down your ideas. even if they aren’t formulated into complete sentences, they will still be able to be turned into a great blog post when you get home.

      I do this, as well. I sit on top of the levee and watch the barges go up and down the Mississippi River. This is very peaceful, and allows my mind to wonder. Great way to come up with blog posts, as well as a great way to solve problems, find answers to the questions of life, or even just relax and reset after a stressful week.

  23. On the dining table and in the bedroom.

  24. I’ve tried to blog from a park, plane, and café, but get too distracted, best content for me comes from my little office, with a hot cup of tea.

  25. I get the most work done in my bedroom. For some reason I can more there than at my desk. But I have been thinking of going to a library or cafe to try out a different space to do some work.

  26. In the summer months, I don’t want to be in front of a computer after work hours. It’s too nice and too warm to blog in the house. I also find that in the summer working outside with the laptop is a bit of a concern. I can’t see with my screen.

    The best places that I blog are when I am in the middle of nowhere, I’ll go cycling for 12 to 15 miles away from my home, then suddenly think of an idea. If you’re used to be working in an office you’ll find that your thought process maybe restrictive. In a completely different environment you’ll be able to write more creatively.

    A change of scenery makes the world of difference. If you’re wondering how I get a connection in the middle of nowhere, I use a WordPress iPhone application. You can write your own content offline and when I’m ready to launch the post I do this when I am near a Wi-Fi connection.

  27. I like writting my posts in my conservatory at home. Late in the evening, when all the family is laid down, and nothing distracts you from the topic you want to cover.
    Another place is my “real” job, when I have free time there, and some ideas in my head which require screen and keyboard.
    Actual “blogging” job can also be done when commuting. Even the busiest train does not fill in your head. So, why not thinking about your next post while being squeezed between other strangers? 8-)

  28. I would love to spend all my time blogging at a cafe. I’m so productive there. I don’t know if it’s the artsy energy or the flow of people, but it’s a great work space. However, I’m not a six figure blogger like you (yet?) and so I hold down the fort at home with a Family Home Day care. Thus, I usually blog at the kitchen table during nap time, if I can get all the kids to sleep at once! :) Thanks for all you do. You’re a real help to fellow bloggers!

  29. Hey Darren! Found this post through Twitter…and I must say, I think you’ve inspired me somewhat! Although I’ve been doing writing for years, I feel like I’ve been in a bit of a slump lately, especially with regards to my own creative writing.

    Like you, I do blogging for work, although I do have a commute to the office at least 4 days a week. However, I also write articles freelance, and I’m working on a novel and some poetry, which I find some of your “blogging locations” helpful for!

    Also, on occasion, I’ll go to a park or some other peaceful place to write; sometimes, I’ll first handwrite my blog posts, poetry, etc., then post them online later. Handwriting whatever piece I’m doing first helps me feel like, “Well, this doesn’t have to be perfect the first time around,” and thus, the ideas flow better. Do you ever experience this?

    I look forward to reading more of your posts! Thanks for the tips.

  30. Cafes are my favorite :) nice relaxing music and a hot cup of coffee :) I really like to blog outside the home because when blog from home I get lazy too soon :) But when I’m outside I blog on :)

  31. I honestly am a desk blogger, but looking to take my video blogging global!

    I love the photos Darren!


  32. Great post idea, love it!!! I do most of my blogging admin on the fly during the day… a comment here and a comment there… and replying to email… I also take photographs during the day and load them all up while I put the kids to bed… I am usually finished with the house and kids about ten/ten thirty and settle in with sorting photographs and ideas till midnight… Any post writing happens between midnight and three am, the house is quiet, there are no distractions… I am parked at a table in the lounge. My hubs reads/surfs/watches tv and I work a whole lot… 3am I post and then sleep till my kids stir around eight. Most of my inspiration comes from being out and about… I write heaps at gym, just little notes and lists and potential posts while waiting for the latte I have earned!!! Those little notes written where I am half people watching, half vegging are the source of almost all blog posts.

  33. I’m afraid I’m too easily distracted to get much done in all of those wonderful places. The image is cool, and I fancy myself working away in the local cafe, but I find myself too busy people watching to be very productive. Ditto for accomplishing much while watching TV or listening to the radio. I do most of my writing at my desk, or at the kitchen table where it’s warmer in the winter. I love the cafe, mall, library (not so much the plane), but more for general thinking than getting much done.

  34. I mainly blog in my church office. It’s usually quiet and peaceful there. I have five kids, so home is pretty noisy, unless it’s after bedtime. I also frequent a local coffee shop, and the mexican restaurant in town offers wi-fi. I eat a lot of chips and salsa there.

    If I’m in a larger town, Starbucks, the mall, a park, a cafe. I’m pretty much good to go anywhere I am.

  35. Thanks for the peek into your blogging routine.

    In that first picture, what am I seeing? Is that a conveyor belt next to your table? What are those white bulbous prongs on the right side of the photo?

  36. Blogging from a cafe is no longer an option for me — the 3 year old isn’t exactly cooperative :)

    Usually we start after the kid goes to sleep. We’re work from the couch — he’s a developer so he works on the back end coding while I work the front of the house and UX/UI.

    Working on lap tops on the couch is bad the back so we try to work in some trigger pointing, stretching and massage therapy breaks.

  37. Very interesting post Darren.

    This perfectly echoes the post that I made yesterday: “Internet Marketing Lifestyle: Location Freedom” http://dukeo.com/internet-marketing-lifestyle-location-freedom/

  38. My computer table is my favorite place there i feel good with my water bottle.

  39. When I blog I love to sit on a particular side of the sofa. :) I don’t know but I can’t seem to be in the mood to write if I’m not in there. It also works for me to work on my desk in the office. ;)

  40. I admire your ability to get energized from the noises of a cafe or mall. I am much better when I’m alone and in a quiet space. I usually blog from my kitchen table where I can look outside but not be distracted. In the summer I blog from the beach at times, but still prefer a comfy chair and quiet.
    Thanks for the post.

  41. The beauty is that you can blog from anywhere! The location you choose to blog from will depend on your own lifestyle, schedule and life challenges. Basically, where ever you are comfortable…..

  42. I blog from home most all the time. I can’t imagine sitting at a desk and working all day. I have a comfy double recliner that hubby and I share in the evening, but during the day, it is my *office*. I work here with my coffee or tea next to me, my dog curled up beside me. Good thing I have the dog as he is a reminder to me to get up every now and again to move around! I have to have peace and quiet, no music or anything. If the family comes in during the daytime (I have college kids) I may retreat to the bedroom so they can watch TV.
    I must start going out more, if I can focus. I may try the library!
    10 steps to learning for life

  43. mainly from my table @ home :) I am planning to relocate to a new place now and I am looking at places with some open space where I can sit and write :D

  44. My favorite blogging location is in the corner of my room, at night, in the dark, in a quite house, with me and my laptop. This is also typically because it’s hard to blog when other things are happening and because I’m not out much.

    • Evening and night time is usually productive for me for the same reason: less distractions. My “home office” is a corner of my bedroom (good idea or bad idea?) so when I write at night, my wife is near by. We already have mixed up sleep schedules b/c she gets up early and I work a 2nd shift job, but writing right before bed works great most times.

  45. My favorite blogging location is at my desk in my home office, TV off, music low in iTunes, no distractions. And I LOVED this post especially because I lived across the street from the State Library at UniLodge during my 6 months studying in Melbourne in college. LOVE that library!!

  46. I usually blog in the basement where it is quiet and its just me and my dog. Sometimes though I like to blog in the park when its nice out in the morning and before it gets too noisy.

  47. I love to blog from the couch or from a cafe. I somehow do not appreciate a commute to the library, although there’s a really nice one just 10 minutes away from me. However, I rather enjoy the view from my condo.
    I certainly agree that blogging while traveling is one of the best options to spend otherwise wasted time!

  48. Usually my desk or bed, but when Im traveling, could be anywhere, usually cafés.

  49. I start most of my posts on my android in a cap, on my way home from meetings. It has limited options in terms of video and effecient linking. I often finish the blog post, at the first computer I spend “quality time” with.

  50. I do most of my blogging from my house and the library because I think it allows maximum concentration. I have never tried the shopping mall, guess it will be fun.

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