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Community Discussion: Are You Making Progress With Your Blogging?

Posted By Ngahuia Galligan 27th of September 2017 Community Discussion 0 Comments

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Remember the 1st of January 2017? Did you decide “This is the year I’ll start a blog”? Or maybe you set some new blog goals for 2017, prompted by our community discussion?

Well, guess what? We’re coming up to the last quarter of the year – just 3 more months remain in 2017. Are you where you want to be with your blogging at this stage of the year?

If you haven’t set any goals you may not be sure how you’re tracking. It’s never too late to benchmark where you’re at and prepare for what’s ahead. A good start would be these 17 statistics to monitor on your blog. If it’s your first year of blogging, then check out our tips (and free download) for evaluating your blog’s first year. Even if it wasn’t your first year, the evaluation will still help you work out how you’re traveling with your blog.

If you’ve been blogging a while, you may want to conduct a more thorough review. Whilst it might be a little early to conduct a full annual blogging review, you may glean enough insights to get you through to the end of the year in good shape by evaluating these seven areas of your blog from Darren’s half-yearly review process.

With the final quarter of the year to go, you may also want to start planning ahead for next year. It will be Christmas before we know it, so it’s a good time to set some blog changing goals for the new year.

We’d love to know how you monitor your blog’s progress. Do you set goals – annually, quarterly, monthly even? Do you have a process for reviewing your blog’s performance? Perhaps you can share in the comments which metrics/milestones/achievements are most important to you? And, most importantly – tell us if you’re where you were hoping to be with your blogging as we move into the last quarter of 2017.

Image Credit: rawpixel.com

About Ngahuia Galligan
Ngahuia Galligan is General Manager of ProBlogger and the founder and director of Harness, business systems improvement. When she’s not helping people sort out thier business systems (or on Slack with the PB team), you’ll find her on the roller derby track or spinning a hula hoop.
  1. Hi Laney,

    I don’t really set goals.

    I just hold an intent, and go from there.

    As for my growth, things have taken off this past year on Blogging From Paradise. Unlike any other year. Especially over the past 5 months.


    I dove into my fears. I did a few things I feared doing in the past, namely, guest posting frequently and also blog commenting effectively on top blogs, for the long haul.

    I saw success in the past but if I was being honest with myself, I was still a bit too attached to outcomes and ditched winning strategies before things really began to roll. Lesson learned.

    This past April I put things into overdrive with my blog. Never looked back. Guest posting, blog commenting, Quora, Warrior, all these sites and channels have been good to me because I made it my intent to help folks, to spread love, to be generous, and things are expanding more quickly everyday with my blog and brand.

    Thanks for sharing with us.


  2. I usually just check up on my numbers and play it by ear. It tends to work for me but I know it’s definitely not the most efficient way of gauging blog success. I will dig into it a bit more, thank you!!

  3. We are focused on in-depth articles and really useful blog posts on our blog so it’s quality over quantity here.
    We have been doing lots of outreach to promote our blogs so that’s where we usually set our goals – “contact XX number of sites”, or something like that. One of goals in our blog promotion campaigns is getting backlinks on high quality sites so we are monitoring that, as well as mentions on social media and how our domain rating is acting.

  4. Hi Laney,

    I’ll hit my first year of blogging next month. I didn’t start promoting my blog until it was 5 months old, I know that I should’ve started sooner.

    When I started my blog, I didn’t pay attention to anything about growth. Now I keep a spreadsheet on Google Drive and jot down my blog growth metrics for the month.

    I think that it’s important to know whether or not your blog is growing. Especially, if you want to create a full-time business. Otherwise, you won’t know where to spend your time.

    I try not to obsess over my metrics because I know that it takes time to grow a blog.

    My blog has grown some in the first year. However, it seems like it’s growing at a snail’s pace. I just remember that it takes time to grow a blog. I love listening to Darren’s podcast #204 to remind me what I need to do to grow my blog.

    As for blog goals, I don’t really set blogging goals. I do however set goals that I want to achieve, they’re not really just blogging goals.

    I think it’s important to have goals. This gives us something to work towards.

    Thanks for taking the time share, I’ll have to make some time this weekend to do my blog review.

    Have a great day :)


  5. I can’t say I set specific goals. After having them not come true too many times, I’ve dropped them. I would like to have a lot more traffic than I have now before the end of the year. I have, after all, been a blogger since 2003 so I should be able to get more than 50 unique visits a day

  6. amazing sir,
    wow. really nice article. thanks.
    keep the nice work going.
    thank you very much

  7. Katie | Happy Day By Day says: 09/29/2017 at 5:52 pm

    Hahaha! It’s like the first sentence is about me :) And I kept postponing and postponing. However, in November, the blog shall finally be live!

  8. trickytobeat says: 09/29/2017 at 11:31 pm

    backstabbing blogger slime

  9. Melissa Uhles says: 10/02/2017 at 8:14 am

    We started our blog for writers and parents three months ago and this gives us some good ideas of what we should try to measure as we move forward. We’re happy to have self-hosted WordPress now so we can better measure our progress.

  10. Everyday i am checking my website analytics and status about rank and visits. After that creating marketing plan for better optimization of my website than before.

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