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How to Stand Out as a Blogger [VIDEO INTERVIEW]

Posted By Darren Rowse 4th of February 2009 Miscellaneous Blog Tips 0 Comments

Yesterday I did a video interview with Eric Hamm at Blogopolis Blueprint on the topic of standing out from the crowd as a blogger. It goes for around 15 minutes and in it I talk about a number of techniques that bloggers can consider to find their own unique voice as a blogger and differentiate themselves.

I’m going to post a post in the next few days with a similar focus to this interview – expanding upon some of what I covered.

In chatting with Eric and his co-blogger Sean Platt I found that they’ve just released an useful resource for new bloggers called the Blogopolis Blueprint. I asked Eric if i could get a copy of it for review and he was kind enough to give me access.

The Blogopolis Blueprint is designed for those who are either about to start a blog or who have recently started one. It doesn’t pretend to be for anyone with advanced knowledge of blogging but rather Sean and Eric have put it out there with the Pre-Blogger and New-Blogger in mind.bpkit340.jpg

It focuses upon a variety of topics of interest to these new bloggers including:

  • A history of blogging – short but good background
  • Features of Blogs – some qualities that blogs have
  • Getting Started – some general tips on getting going with blogging
  • Comments – tips on leaving them on other blogs and hosting them on your own
  • Blogging with a Buddy/Collaborative blogging (something Eric and Sean are great at)
  • Guest Posting – as a way to grow your blog
  • Planning for successful blogging – some things to add into your plan as you move forward
  • Secrets of Success – keys to remember as you blog

This e-book teaching component is 46 pages long and a good solid introduction to blogging.

Also bundled with the teaching are two other components.

1. WordPress Quick Start Guide – which is a more practical 24 page guide to getting going with an introduction to platforms, suggestions on finding a niche, hosting and domains, a guide to selecting a blog platforms, some suggestions on getting the perfect theme for your blog and some suggestions on essential plugins.

2. The Blueprint Workbook – this is designed to help you take what you’ve learned from the other components of this Blueprint kit and to apply it. So often these online teaching resources share great principles but don’t actually give you a way forward. This workbook gives you a variety of practical ways to bed down what you’re learning as you read the ebook. It gives questions to ask yourself corresponding with each chapter in the ebook.

My Verdict on Blogopolis Blueprint

Let me say it again – Blogopolis Blueprint is a resource for beginners. If you’ve been blogging a year or more and have a handle on the basics you probably won’t find this as useful as some of the other resources on the market which help you take your blog to the next level (Blog Mastermind would be a better place to start if that’s you).

However if you’re starting or about to start blogging and have no idea where to start then this is worth considering. Unlike some other resources on the market this is not a membership site where you get ongoing interaction and teaching – however it also is a one off payment rather than a monthly one so cheaper than membership sites.

One of the things I like about this resource is that it has both the more general teaching about principles of good blogging as well as some practical tips and then the questions for helping you to unpack it. The only thing I’d like to see added would be some ‘homework’ or takeaway ‘tasks’ for each chapter. The ‘workbook’ does give some steps to get started – but perhaps some further exercises for each chapter would be helpful. Other than that I think it’s a good investment for new bloggers.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I just watched this video over at the blueprint, then I came over here and see you’ve spoken about it too. Really insightful interview Darren and Eric!

  2. In the video you mention…”you are a brand”. I really like it being put that way.

    Be everywhere on the web. Have a voice. And keep it consistent. People will start to notice. And they will know who you are and what your stance it. They will know what to expect.

    One becomes a McDonald’s restaurant. If someone arrives hungry at t strange town they are more likely to visit McDonalds then some unknown restaurant. People like the familiar.

  3. Hi Darren,

    Thanks for reviewing the Blueprint, and the interview! I had to wait to see the interview until Eric was finished, but I loved being the first one to see such a tremendous exchange.

    Thanks for everything, Darren. We really appreciate it.

  4. Cool video I guess another way to TRY and stand out is to try and leave the first comment on a well known blog LOL :)
    Plus making my blog do follow has helped but standing out
    that takes time ,luck and steady work :)

  5. Awesome post! I’m a big fan of Problogger – every time I visit your site, I learn something useful. Thanks :)

  6. I’ve watched the interview over on their blog earlier. Now can’t wait to see you share more here too! :)

  7. Thanks Darren for answering a question that has been in my mind.There are a lot of courses on IM.
    But which one are for beginners and which one for those who are already familiar with the basics and need a little boost to move on to the next level ie monetizing their blogs.

  8. Thanks Darren for answering a question that has been in my mind.There are a lot of courses on IM.
    But which one are for beginners and which one for those who are already familiar with the basics and need a little boost to move on to the next level ie monetizing their blogs. Your in depth and unbiased review of the product has answered my questions.

  9. How to stand out to be a blogger?

    I think we need to be a real blogger and not just follow the trend or flows of others.

    Don’t you think so?

  10. Neat interview!, the best way to stand out is to bring a little of yourself into your blog, theres nothing wrong with following other related blogs to see what they are doing, the trick is to put your own twist on it in your own perspective. I cant believe I just spelled “perspective” right without using the spellcheck;)

  11. Knowledge + personality = standing out. You have to have great content, but it also has to have something a little different from other sites. It’s good for the readers to knoe their blogger too. Not to be overly personal, but to give enough that they’re following a person not a bunch of words.

  12. Thanks again Darren, for sharing your time and your thoughts with me/us. I thoroughly enjoyed the interview. Also, thanks for taking interest in The Blogopolis Blueprint Blogging Kit. A great, honest review. Eric

  13. Boy I like your smile when he called you king of blogging.

    But yeah one thing which I really going to use from your tips is making myself available at everywhere with my useful opinion.

  14. Excellent interview. I appreciate your taking the time time to talk to Eric. I’ve been a longtime reader of ProBlogger and have been reading Sean’s blog almost since the beginning. When Sean and Eric started The Blogopolis Blueprint, I started reading and commenting from the very first post, so it was really great to see familiar faces in a really good interview.

  15. “King of Blogging”! I wish that was my title…www.dabbygag.com

  16. I love the interview. I have a question regarding something interesting you mentioned. How do you know where your readers go other than your site?

  17. Nice! Thanks for the pointers! Its always helpful to see how others are growing their successful blogs and sites, to learn new ways to improve your own. I’m going to have to tag your site and catch up I guess! Thanks!

    Mark Cummuta
    Triumph CIO Group

  18. I think BecomeaBlogger is also a very good guide for new bloggers to start off with.

  19. I found this interview to be very helpful in detailing the importance of blogging and having comments coming in from various sources. It helps with building content and promoting yourself with individual online presence.

    I especially liked the comment made about a blog going on forever and ever and how true that really is. If you come up with the right sbject matter and it keeps your readers interest along with new readers interest you will keep your comments coming in forever from new resources daily.

    Again a very informative video interview.

  20. I learned many tips from listening to this video.
    I hope that you do get your problogger.com going this

    I am what you would call a beginner in blogging still
    I have been online talking with others for years. Using
    that experience as well as what I am learning from
    blogs, and video’s like this one. I also link those
    that want to use and read again for future reference or
    to share with others that need advice I am not able to
    give or like a back up of what is being said.

    Thank you,

  21. Hi Darren,

    Great post and thank you for sharing this information.



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