Today I’m excited to announce that my co-author of ProBlogger the Book, Chris Garrett, has just pre-launched a new training course for bloggers Authority Blogger.
This is not a ‘how to blog’ course – instead it is a course for people wanting to learn how to use a blog as a way for growing their profile, credibility and influence.
Chis is a guy who has proven he knows how to do this (and I’ve seen him do it with a number of people that I referred to him as a blog consultant.
Chris has just announced a pre-launch special where you get full access to the site (the free forum that is already there plus a private area, plus 1 on 1 consulting with him at a special rate. The consulting consists of 3 half hour calls with Chris plus one on one interaction via email. You also get 12 training modules using ebooks, audio (I’ll be doing an interview with Chris for his students in a few weeks) and video on the following topics:
- Determine your goals and strategy
- Target your audience and mind read their needs
- Plan, build and design your blog
- Write your archive, editorial calendar and flagship content
- Network and get noticed
- Use social media for profile and traffic
- Develop your SEO strategy
- Build, retain and engage your audience
- Attract more authority offline
- Create and sell your products and services
- Grow your business through advertising
- Extend your reach through partnerships
This is a PreLaunch rather than a Launch
Keep in mind that this is a Pre Launch and not a Full Launch.
What’s the difference? Really it’s that the course isn’t yet complete in terms of the content that is currently up. Chris is adding new stuff daily – but basically you’re getting a discounted price plus some extra bonuses if you sign up early because you’re accessing the content as it’s being developed. This is similar to what Brian Clark recently did with his very successful Teaching Sells course.
You can check out more about Authority Blogger and what Chris is offering at Authority Blogger.
I think this is a great idea. Too many times all we focus on is how much we can make from advertising. Often, though, the effects of the authority we build so far outweigh any revenue from advertising that advertising becomes irrelevant.
this sounds great
and who can teach you how to growing your profile, credibility and influence. batter then Chris Garrett :)
Good Idea
Waitng for the next
Interesting concept. A new subniche in the blogging niche
This guy really knows how to look at the same thing with new eyes
Awesome! I’ve been in contact with Chris on the Hive at Performancing. I’m building authority in my niche (Personal Development & Lifehacking) and I can’t think of anyone I would rather have mentor me than Chris.
I reviewed each bullet and learned a lot just from the list of things I should have done before starting out!
I have recently published quite a few corporate blogs and relate to each step mentioned above. Thanks for the tip on this new resource, I appreciate your quality content and stellar referrals Darren!
Sounds like a great way to build a strong foundational web presence. I’ll be interested to see the finished product.
This is a great opportunity to learn from the best. And even better, Chris Garrett is an all around nice guy. :-)
The course is impressive, even in its very beginning stages. If you’re serious about blogging, you won’t want to miss the chance to get this at a discount. But be warned, it’s not about how to best place those adsense units. You will be learning how to market yourself, and build you and your blog into an authority.
I just signed up and while the course is incomplete at this stage (as you said in this post) I think I’ve already had a few ‘light bulb going on’ moments while interacting with the content already covered and look forward to the rest of the course. The forum looks like it’s going to be a very useful part of the deal also – I find that being a part of small communities of people that are paying to be a part of something like this means you end up with some really motivated and enthusiastic people that are great to work with on one another’s projects.
Also, I’d say that it’s refreshing to be a part of a course that is less about making money ‘directly’ from your course (to use your terminology Darren) and that focuses more upon how to ‘indirectly’ make money ‘because’ of your blog. This was always my goal with my soon to be launched blog so some intentional training on the topic will be fantastic.
Building your profile is a key ingredient to be successful. The more people know you are trust you the more they are likely to buy from you which means the more money you are likely to make.
Just as the Darren-and-Chris team made for a well-rounded blogging book, Chris’s new Authority Blogger course is a great balance to the usual run of ‘how to blog’ courses and information out there. Honestly I feel that I’ve already made more progress towards my next project goal – just in wresting with the first couple of exercises alone – than in the last five years of blogging. Can’t wait to see where the next lessons will lead!
Went over and checked out the authority site. very impressive and I like the information put out. I think I’ll add it to my daily read list.
I’m already part of this course, and it is very helpful. It starts you off from the basics and then slowly builds you up towards the top :)
Exciting, the outline looks good.