CategoryWriting Content

My Secret Formula for Creating Super-engaging Blog Content
This guest post is by Kiesha of WeBlogBetter. Many of my readers have asked how in the world I come up with such creative ideas for my blog content. If you’ve read: “The Walmart Guide to Increasing Time spent on your Site,” “Can your blog Pass the Salad Test?” “Attract ...more
Writing Content

The Warren Buffett Method for Building a Successful Blog
This guest post is by Aman Basanti of Billionaire Warren Buffett’s method of deciding which companies to buy and invest in is not only instructive for share investors, but also for bloggers. His strategy can be used in the blogging world to create a successful blog—especially instructive for bloggers ...more
Writing Content

Use External Links to Boost Your Credibility
Bloggers are always happy to link to a resource we think is good, or a product or service with which we’re affiliated. But there are other kinds of external links that too few bloggers use: links to sources of information we’ve found links to creators of content we’re citing links ...more
Writing Content

The 7 Cs of Business Communication: Make Your Posts Shareworthy Every Time
This guest post is by Marya of Writing Happiness. When I finished my MBA degree about a decade ago, I undertook a course which taught me how to write great content for my blog. Sceptical? I know what you are thinking: blogging wasn’t even around then! I know. Allow me ...more
Writing Content

Boost Your Blog #9: Create a Resources Page
Continuing our discussion of things you should be doing right now to improve your blog, today’s tip is: 9. Create a Resources page One page on ProBlogger that has worked well for me is a Blogging Resources page (it is actually a page I need to update further). The page ...more
Writing Content

Make Business Blogging Fun: Write About Holidays, Anniversaries, and Other Milestones
This guest post is by Lindsey McCaffrey of Absolutely Write. Business bloggers: do you consider every day Labour Day? Take a breather: finding things to blog about doesn’t have to be hard work. In light of the upcoming Labour Day weekend, I’m going to share a little tip I like ...more
Business Blogging

Boost Your Blog #4: Optimize Other Key Pages
Continuing our discussion of things you could be doing right now to improve your blog, today’s tip is: 4. Optimize other key pages Yesterday, we talked about pages on your blog, and it might also be worthwhile looking over some of the other key pages on your blog. For example, ...more
Writing Content

11 Blog Proofreading Tips You Can’t Afford to Ignore
This guest post is by Luke Palder of ProofreadingServices.Us. It should come as no surprise that writing for a blog is different from writing for other types of media. Blogs are free to read and there are tons of them, so people tend to decide very quickly if they’d like ...more
Writing Content

Spice Up Your Blog with a Virtual Blogging Team
This guest post is by Luis Cruz of Pepper Virtual Assistant. Blogging is simple. You produce quality content, react to commenters, watch your stats grow, rinse, repeat. Blogging is also labor-intensive, time-consuming, and tiring. Producing quality content regularly can be draining, managing comments can get exhausting, and don’t even get ...more
Writing Content