CategoryWriting Content

10 Steps to Writing Mindfully for Your Blog
This guest post is by Sean Madden of Mindful Living Guide. These past few months—in my summer and early autumn creative writing classes—I’ve not focused so much on the mindfulness aspect of my teachings. Perhaps this had to do with the energetic pace of summer, which only recently faded here ...more
Writing Content

How to Attract Your Perfect Reader
This guest post is by James Chartrand is the owner of Men with Pens. One of the greatest challenges of writing for your business is figuring out your ideal reader. It’s tempting to think that everyone will read your work—and that creates a problem, because your mindset shifts to thinking ...more
Blogging for Dollars

How to Write Posts People Will Remember
I am fortunate enough to meet quite a few of my blog’s readers face-to-face at conferences. It’s always a surreal and enlightening experience. One of the most interesting parts of the experience is having readers share with you the posts that you’ve written that they remember most. On some occasions ...more
Writing Content

3 Powerful Reasons Why Taking a Break Will Refuel Your Writing
This guest post is by Paul Jun. Coffee has been consumed (and hopefully breakfast). Brain is revving, fingers are warm, your neck just cracked in the most awkward way, but it feels great. And . . . Go! Go! . . . G– . . . Sigh. Nothing. Nothing is ...more
Writing Content

How to Write a Year’s Worth of Posts in 30 Days
This guest post is by Kelly Kingman of eBook Evolution. Last year, I took part in a writing challenge called National Novel Writing Month, which is also known as NaNoWriMo. The challenge? Write 50,000 words—all during the 30 days of November. Until then, my personal length record hovered around 10,000 ...more
Writing Content

How to Blog Reactively … and Why You Should
This guest post is by Alex of The word “proactive” is tossed around a lot these days, and you could easily be forgiven for thinking that being proactive is pretty much the only way to blog or do anything else. Certainly in your blogging life there are times when ...more
Writing Content

My 3-Step System for Finding Guest Post Opportunities
This guest post is by Jocelyn Ann. Tired of haphazardly, randomly struggling to find guest blogging opportunities? Or finding yourself stressed to the max because you’re unable to locate your next guest-post goal for the month? You’re not alone. Most bloggers don’t know where or how to search properly, and ...more
Blog Promotion

How to Write a Blog Post Like a Troublemaker with a Heart of Gold
This guest post is by Stefanie Flaxman of Revision Fairy Small Business Proofreading Services. In a world overflowing with bloggers, there’s the type of troublemaker you love and the type of troublemaker you hate. One introduces his opinion with a strong argument. You admire that he’s confident and direct. The ...more
Writing Content

Neil Patel’s Guide to Writing Popular Blog Posts
This guest post is by Neil Patel of KISSmetrics. Do you wish you knew the secret to writing popular blog posts? You know, the posts that get over 200 comments, 20 backlinks, and hundreds of shares on social networking sites? Over the past five years I’ve started two blogs. The ...more
Writing Content