CategorySocial Media

30 Valuable Lessons Learned Using Social Media for Small Business
18th of March 2010 Darren Rowse 97 Comments

30 Valuable Lessons Learned Using Social Media for Small Business

In this post Mark Hayward shares some great tips on social media for small business. Image by jn is not here Do you own a small business? How long have you been using social media as a marketing tool and what have you learned? In a little over a months ...more
Business Blogging
Stick Out Your Finger (Not That One!) and Create a Meaningful Blogging Experience
1st of March 2010 Lara Kulpa 91 Comments

Stick Out Your Finger (Not That One!) and Create a Meaningful Blogging Experience

Guest post by Jenny McCoy Sometimes it doesn’t matter where you’re going; you just kinda enjoy the ride. This is true of my blogging experience. After sharing my vision of church services optimized for screaming babies and their snoring grandparents, my drinking companion responded with glazed eyes and an outdoor ...more
Social Media
Top Ten Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Small Business Blog Using Twitter
23rd of February 2010 Darren Rowse 92 Comments

Top Ten Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Small Business Blog Using Twitter

This is a guest post by Mark Hayward on driving traffic to your small business blog with Twitter. Based on the success of the recent ProBlogger post, Top 10 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog Using LinkedIn, I thought it would be useful to put a resource post together ...more
Blog Promotion
Top 10 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog Using LinkedIn
18th of February 2010 Darren Rowse 146 Comments

Top 10 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog Using LinkedIn

A Guest Post by on driving traffic to your blog with LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the most powerful, yet under-utilised social networking platform on the web. Whether you just created your first blog, or you are considered one of the top bloggers in the world like Darren Rowse, Chris Brogan, ...more
Blog Promotion
7 Considerations on Generating Traffic to Your Blog
12th of February 2010 Darren Rowse 104 Comments

7 Considerations on Generating Traffic to Your Blog

Over the last few weeks I’ve had three conversations with readers regarding different sources of traffic. In each case I had a number of email exchanges with each blogger (all on the same day) and ended up laughing to myself at the common theme but extremely different opinions being expressed ...more
Blog Promotion
Google Add Socialize Feature to Feedburner – Tweet Your New Blog Posts from Feedburner
15th of December 2009 Darren Rowse 51 Comments

Google Add Socialize Feature to Feedburner – Tweet Your New Blog Posts from Feedburner

Google today announced a new feature that impacts bloggers – a new URL shortener that integrates with Feedburner and a new ‘socialize’ feature on Feedburner. This allows bloggers to use Feedburner to send Tweets out automatically via Feedburner. Of course most bloggers already have tweets going out to promote new ...more
Two Free Videos (and a Special Offer) for Bloggers and Twitter Users
13th of August 2009 Darren Rowse 41 Comments

Two Free Videos (and a Special Offer) for Bloggers and Twitter Users

Today two videos were released that involved me and that I think would be of interest to readers. 1. Video interview with Gideon Shalwick – in this video Gideon interviewed me on a range of aspects of blogging. In the video I talk a little about how I got started ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Develop a Plan to Boost Your Blog’s Profile and Readership Online [Day 29 31DBBB]
4th of May 2009 Darren Rowse 80 Comments

Develop a Plan to Boost Your Blog’s Profile and Readership Online [Day 29 31DBBB]

Today your task in the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog is one that should help you think a little strategically about where you spend time online building your online profile. One of the ways that many successful blogs build a readership and profile is by spending significant time ...more
Blog Promotion
The Changing Face of Interlinking Blogging Culture [And the Impact of Twitter]
2nd of April 2009 Darren Rowse 25 Comments

The Changing Face of Interlinking Blogging Culture [And the Impact of Twitter]

Today at SMX Sydney Rand Fishkin and I had a pretty cool chat about how Twitter (and other factors) might have changed the landscape of blogging and the way that people link up to one another. I was going to sit down tonight to write up some reflections on the ...more
Social Media