CategoryPro Blogging News

Speedlinking – 17 September 2008
Here are a few links that caught my eye over the last week. I hope something in them inspires, teaches, motivates, informs or connect with you: Scott Karp writes a fascinating post on how Drudge Report (a site that links out a lot) has a higher reader engagement level than ...more
Pro Blogging News

What do you get if you put Shoemoney, CopyBlogger, Chow, Johnson, Kukral and ProBlogger in the same Room?
OK – that heading sounds like a bad joke (and it could be) but I had confirmation this week that Jeremy from ShoeMoney is joining our ‘make money online with a blog‘ panel at Blog World Expo. This makes the lineup – Brian Clark from CopyBlogger, John Chow, Zac Johnson, ...more
Pro Blogging News

b5 Blogger Summit at Blog World Expo – Free Extra Day of Training for BWE Attendees
If you’re going to Blog World Expo and can be there the day before the official program starts – b5media is running a training day for our bloggers that we are opening up to any BWE registrants that would like to attend. It is running on 19 September at the ...more
Pro Blogging News

11 SpeedLinks for Professional Bloggers and Web Workers
I’ve been doing most of my ‘speed linking’ on Twitter lately – but here’s a collection of links from around the web for bloggers and web workers that got my attention today: Screen Casts Rock – Here’s Who’s Rocking Them Now – RRW showcases great Screen Casters 7 Tips for ...more
Pro Blogging News

Join me in Blog Action Day – 15 October 2008
Blog Action Day 2008 Poverty from Blog Action Day on Vimeo. I hope you’ll consider joining me in this year’s Blog Action Day – The topic This year is Poverty.
Pro Blogging News

How to Get 2500 New ‘Subscribers’ to Your Blog Overnight (and Why I Don’t Really Care)
Every 2nd blog about blogging today seems to be writing about a video showing how to get 2500 subscribers overnight using a Netvibes accounts and an OPML file with thousands of copies of your own feed in it. I’ve had a lot of people email me to ask what I ...more
Pro Blogging News

TeachingSells to Close Doors 31 July
One of the best courses that I’ve personally participated in on the topic of teaching people how to make money online is TeachingSells – and it’s about to close it’s doors to new members (in just 7 days). Every time I come to write about TeachingSells, its creators have added ...more
Pro Blogging News

Google’s Knol – A Wikipedia Killer or a Blog Killer?
Is Google’s Knol an attack on Wikipedia or Could it hurt Smaller Publishers like bloggers more? So today Google finally opened up and launched Launched Knol (it’s been coming for a while) a place where people can publish ‘authoritative articles about specific topics’. It’s like Wikipedia in that articles can ...more
Pro Blogging News

Blogger Gives Up Medicine to Go Full Time as a Blogger
I always love hearing stories of bloggers who are able to go full time with their blogging so earlier today when I read in the NYT about the author of one of my favorite blogs (Mac Rumors) has traded in a career in Medicine for blogging it got my attention. ...more
Pro Blogging News