CategoryMiscellaneous Blog Tips

Productivity Tip #1
I’m having one of those months where I realize I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. What with catching up from a month off, to adding new bloggers to some of my blogs, to interviews with a couple of major newspapers, to working on a two day per week ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Website Tips from Blogging Pro
Jacob gives his most important website tips over at Website Tips – Part 1. He focuses upon domain names, having a tableless design, simple design, search engine friendly URLs and keyword rich titles. He writes good, easy to grasp information on each topic. I wish I knew some of these ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Bloggers Block – Just Say Something
Peter has something good to say about those times when you have nothing to say – writers block. His advice? Say something – even if it doesn’t feel too profound. It’s a good point. In fact it’s a strategy I use regularly and find to work for me. It’s quite ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Stepping towards $1,000,000
Jon over at Smart Money Daily has a plan – it’s a plan to make $1,000,000 gross income in a year from his online projects. Ok – you might think Jon’s thinking a little too big – and maybe he is – but the think I like about his plan ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Becoming a Multi-Dimensional Blogger
Robert’s latest Corporate Blog Tip (#10) is simple but well worth taking note of: ‘If the only way people know you is through your blog you’ll be seen as a pretty one-dimensional person. Blogging does have lots of advantages: lots of people can get to know you with a minimal ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Bloggers block
Do you suffer from blogger block? Are there just some days where it’s near impossible to post because there is little or nothing happening on your particular subject or niche? Share your thoughts. Personally I suffer it at seemingly random times, random in only that I have no control over ...more

Is Blogger the worst free blogging service?
I’ve got an interesting thread started at Blog Herald on an interesting topic that should be of interest to Probloggers: Is Blogger the worst free blogging service? that some readers might like to contribute to, but I’d like to add a little here. As a “Problogger” I’ve got to say ...more
Business Blogging

Blog Tip: Hire someone for ad sales
The following blog tip has been submitted by Jon Gales – the editor of the wonderful MobileTracker blog. Learn more about Jon from this interview we did with him earlier in the year. It’s very tempting to try and sell ads yourself—afterall, since you do all of the work why ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Friday Fun – Productivity Tips
I’m often asked how I get so much done and I often think, I don’t get that much done. I know I could do more! I’ve had “notes” on this entry for a while, but seeing Darren’s post on Blogging and the Art Time Management made me want to finish ...more