CategoryMaking money

Why Are Your Affiliate Promotions Not Converting?
I had an email this morning from a blogger who has built a great loyal readership to their blog and who has been attempting to monetize that readership lately by doing some affiliate promotions on that blog. The problem – nobody is buying anything that they promote. I spent a ...more
Affiliate Programs

How to Turn Your Business Blog Readers Into Paying Customers
This is a guest contribution from Alicia Rades. You started a blog for your business because you recognized the importance of content marketing. You know that businesses that blog get more traffic than those that don’t. But more traffic doesn’t necessarily mean more customers. You have to be able to leverage ...more
Making money

What Links to Use in Your Affiliate Marketing Emails
This article is based on ProBlogger Podcast 107. This question comes in from Scott who asks, “I want to try my hand at some affiliate promotions and have selected an ebook to promote. I’ve heard you say that your affiliate promotions work best when you email your list, but I’m ...more
Affiliate Programs

12 Tips for Affiliate Marketing to Help You Monetize Your Blog
This post is based on episode 51 of the ProBlogger podcast. This week’s post is all about affiliate marketing – one of the many ways you can make money blogging. I’ll tell you what it is and how it works, and then give you 12 tips you can use to ...more
Making money

How to Create Products and Sell Them on Your Blog
This post is based on episode 67 of the ProBlogger podcast. This week I want to talk about creating a product for your blog. Last month I talked about my various profit streams, and how nearly a third of my profits come from product sales. And that’s obviously one good reason ...more
Making money

How I Created My Profit Streams and Became a Full-Time Blogger
This post is based on episode 153 of the ProBlogger podcast. Last week I talked about my profit streams – what they were, and what each one earned as a percentage of my total business profits. In case you missed what those percentages were, here’s a summary: affiliate commissions – 46% ...more
Making money

How I Earn a Living as a Blogger from ProBlogger and Digital Photography School
This post is based on episode 150 of the ProBlogger podcast. One of our main aims here at ProBlogger is to help people make money (if not a living) from their blogs. And we’ve certainly talked about it a lot over the years. We even have a portal dedicated to this ...more
Making money

How to Find Time to Create a Product For Your Blog
This post is based on episode 118 of the ProBlogger podcast. Creating and selling products such as ebooks and courses can be a great way to monetize your blog. But where do you find the time to create them? A lot of bloggers already struggle with finding enough time to write ...more
Making money

The Pros and Cons of Running Advertising on Your Blog
Do you run ads on your blog? Many bloggers do. In fact, people often start monetizing their blogs this way using an ad network such as Google AdSense. And many large websites are also supported by ads. So should you be running ads on your blog? There’s no easy way to answer ...more
Making money