The Truth About Writing Killer Content for Mobiles
This is a guest contribution from Lesley Vos. We’re being told constantly that mobile content is like a snack, long texts are dead. People don’t read much now, and they just watch videos or scroll pictures. They’re time poor, they consume small bits frequently and move on. And as it ...more
Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
Coming to you live from the pit of Facebook reach hell! Are you in the same boat? Ugh. Here’s a tip that might help!: Facebook Audience Optimization: Better Engagement and Insights for Bloggers // Jon Loomer Did you know if your page has fewer than 5000 likes, you can switch ...more
How to Get into the Flow of Creating Great Content for Your Blog
Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been blogging some time, you can almost always find yourself falling out of flow. One minute you have tons of ideas and are cranking out posts, the next something’s off and you’ve lost your mojo. This episode of the ProBlogger podcast is continuing ...more
How to Create and Use Infographics to Drive Traffic to Your Blog
This is a guest contribution from Luke Guy. Let me start this post by telling you a quick story: I once created this niche site that I thought would do really well. I wanted to flex my SEO skills, and see if I could a new site ranked rather quickly ...more
8 Ways to Find Trending Topics and Key Words
One of the key success factors in marketing is the ability of a marketer to seize a certain moment – jumping on a trending item that will resonate with their audience, and repackaging it so it’s relevant to the reader. We’re all individuals, and what we like could be totally ...more
Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
January has sped by, and I can’t believe we’re staring down February 2016 already! This year has felt like a brand new start to many of us, and we’re beginning to see the results of the new things we’re trying. I hope they’ve been positive results! Everything changes so often ...more
How to Come up with Fresh Ideas to Write About On Your Blog
There comes a time in the life of every blogger when they feel as though there’s nothing left to say – that they’ve said it all, and no new ideas are forthcoming. It can strike when you have been blogging for some years and have spent a lot of time ...more
In Brief: Are You Making the Most of the Amazon Affiliates Program?
This is a guest contribution from Joy Allford. When it comes to making money from your blogging there are main routes most blogs take: Selling a product or service Monetizing with advertising such as Google AdSense Affiliate marketing Something that is often overlooked by personal bloggers that are simply blogging ...more
SEO New Years Resolutions for 2016
This is a guest contribution from Sarah Walsh. The new year has undoubtedly brought to you resolutions or new ideas for your work. You might be gung-ho to start out with fresh goals or you might acknowledge that a lot of resolutions are forgotten before February rolls around. Despite the pros ...more