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How to Come up with Fresh Ideas to Write About On Your Blog

Posted By Darren Rowse 29th of January 2016 General, Writing Content 0 Comments

How to Come up with Fresh Ideas to Write About On Your Blog - on ProBlogger.net

There comes a time in the life of every blogger when they feel as though there’s nothing left to say – that they’ve said it all, and no new ideas are forthcoming.

It can strike when you have been blogging for some years and have spent a lot of time crafting posts on the important issues in your niche, and one day you realise you’ve written about every topic you care to write about and the tank is empty.

The newest episode of the ProBlogger podcast is the second in a mini-series on blogger’s block. In the previous episode I discussed the different types of blogger’s block you can experience, and what I’ve done over the years to help counteract it. Today, though, I want to tackle the issue of coming up with ideas to write about, and if you haven’t completed the task in episode 11 about what change you’re trying to bring to readers’ lives, that would be an excellent place to start.

While everyone is entitled to blog about what catches there interest, there is a strong record of blogs that change the lives of their readers in some tangible way are the ones that tend to be successful. Identifying this change (as mentioned in episode 11) is going to be a great foundation for you to then map out the journey you want to take your readers on, and can potentially then help you come up with tons of ideas to fulfil their needs.

I also discuss plenty of other options to help you break through blogger’s block and tap into that well of knowledge, inspiration and ideas to get your content rolling again. I can give you advice about how to identify these needs and problems, and all it will take is a few minutes of your time.

You can find the show notes for episode 84 of the ProBlogger Podcast How to Come up with Fresh Ideas to Write About On Your Blog here, and I’d love to get your comments below.

Further Reading:

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Hi Darren ,

    There comes a time when blogger trying hard to get new topic idea what they failed as they think that there is no topic left for publishing but They should not give up on this they should try some new things and explore what they have published till now to get new idea.

  2. am currently facing this issue, but with time I will get over it.

  3. I’d call this an eye opener, great content and easy to understand, thanks so much!

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