CategoryBlogging Tools and Services

BlogBeat Purchased by Feedburner
It’s been an interesting weekend culminating in the announcement this morning that BlogBeat, the feed-based stats service has been purchased by Feedburner. I’m a big Feedburner fan so my initial instincts on this news are good. I think there’s a valuable market for stats by feed and I would add ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

WordPress Plugins that Target Search Engine Traffic
A couple of weeks ago one of my fellow b5media directors or bloggers (I can’t remember which) sent me a link to a WP plugin that they thought looked pretty cool. I didn’t have time to really look into it at the time but today have decided to give it ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

A – Z of Professional Blogging
Just a quick note to thank everyone for their suggestions in the A – Z of Professional Blogging post earlier today. I’ve since updated the list with numerous more suggested blog tools and platforms and there are now over 130 listed. Keep your suggestions rolling in. I’ve not added everything ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Best standalone blog application? Poll
Lifehacker is running a poll on which standalone blog application is best – the results are no surprise – very similar to our ProBlogger’s poll on blog platforms.
Blogging Tools and Services

A – Z of Professional Blogging Tools
Following is my A to Z of Professional blogging including blogging tools, blogging platforms, blogging services and ways of making money from blogging (in fact whether you blog for money or not much of what follows should help you improve your blogging). I hope you enjoy it and feel free ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

ecto for Windows 2.1 beta Released
Ecto (the blog editor) has released ecto for Windows 2.1 beta. I’d be interested to hear what people think of this new Windows based version.
Blogging Tools and Services

25 To Do Lists Services
If you’re as disorganized as I can be at my worst you might find Solution Watch’s post titled 25 To Do Lists to Stay Productive a helpful one. Yes it’s a list of 25 ‘to do list’ services to help you get organized. I’ve been meaning to find a good ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Add Sidenotes to your Blog
Here’s a cool little tool that enables you to put ‘sidenotes’ on your blog using a mix of Javascript and CSS. They describe them like this: “It’s all about tangents. No, not those kinds of tangents. We’re talking about the kind where you’ll be sharing a thought and you sort ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Screwy Bloglines/Feedburner Results?
Is anyone else seeing ALOT of old posts coming up in their Bloglines account as new posts today? I know this happens from time to time on an occasional basis but today it seems that every second unread item in my Bloglines account is one that I’ve read before. Some ...more
Blogging Tools and Services