CategoryBlogging for Dollars

TypePad Pro Turning In To ‘Real Pros’
It just came to my attention that bloggers with TypePad Pro accounts can now earn money from their blogs via an integrated service from Kanoodle, a contextual advertising company. They have one tiny catch, though: Earnings for the first 90 days can only go towards future TypePad subscription payments. It’s ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Marketers are turning to blogs for online ad spending
Research out of Forrester is showing a growing interest to place advertisements on blogs and/or in RSS feeds. This should be no surprise, given the mainstream business coverage of blogs that has issued recently. Of those surveyed by Forrester, 64% would be interested in advertising on blogs, while 57% would ...more

Canadian Professional Blogging Podcast: No. 1 On becoming a professional blogger
Welcome to the first Canadian Professional Blogging Podcast with me, Tris Hussey, and Arieanna Foley. This is the recording I mentioned on Friday. The delay was worth the wait because we got permission to use some music from The Kitchen for the intro and outro music for the podcast. We’re ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Blogging Data We Can All Learn From
The BlogKits 2005 Blogging & Advertising Survey is about to close up. Here’s the best part. I’m going to release the raw data from this study on next week for anyone to download and analyze as they see fit. So if you haven’t taken the short survey yet, please ...more

Trying FeedBurner Total Stats Pro on View from the Isle
Yeah, I admit it, I’m a metrics junky. Which is good, since I am the chief blogger for writing on the web metrics blog. Regardless, I’m also a huge fan of FeedBurner. I admit I check my FeedBurner stats throughout the day, especially when one of my articles has ...more
Blog Promotion

Blogging Domain Name Brand Mantra
Darren asks, ‘What’s in A Blog Name?‘. He’s right, a name is a very important piece of becoming a successful blog. Think branding…it’s all about branding. Certain names and words flow off the tounge and are more memorable than others. I’ve been reading Darren’s blog before it was What ...more
Blog Promotion

The business of blogging and MetaFilter
Good little article in the San-Francisco Gate on Business Blogging and Small companies promote themselves through Web logs. It has features friend of ProBlogger Paul Chaney and a good list of examples of small businesses that are using the humble blog as a part of their business plan. Found via ...more
Blogging for Dollars

How to make money from your blog: 5 tips
Jeff Wuorio has a good basic introductory article on How to make money from your blog with five starting points: Sell advertising. Help sell others’ products (affiliate programs). Solicit contributions. Market your services in your blog. Use a blog to deepen your existing customer relationships. It is a similar piece ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Blogging for Dollars Presentations at IIMA
Roland Tanglao’s presentation on Blogging for Dollars at IIMA this week looks like a pretty comprehensive presentation and one I’d have like to have heard and had a chance to interact with. Also presenting was Arieanna and Tris – both quality bloggers in their own right. Sometimes I wish I ...more
Blogging for Dollars