CategoryBlog Promotion

What’s the Lowdown on Digg Bait?
Muhammad Saleem wrote a post over at CopyBlogger this week by the title – ‘Is it OK to Write for Digg’ and makes some really good points on either side of the debate. Here are a few key quotes from his piece with a few of my own thoughts: “for ...more
Blog Promotion

ProBlogger Readers Do it Better…. than Digg Users
Wendy writes a great post today in her introduction to Social Media Strategy and Socially Driven Content. In the post she talks to bloggers about why they should learn about social media, what results they can get and how to start out in it. What caught my attention was right ...more
Blog Promotion

How to Find Untapped Audiences Offline – By Letting Others Republish Your Content
One of the increasingly common emails that I’m getting from my Digital Photography School blog is along the lines of: ‘can I republish and article from your blog in my periodical/newsletter/magazine?’ It is an interesting question and one that I’ve had a change of heart on over the past few ...more
Blog Promotion

How to List Your Blog in MySpace News
MySpace have recently launched their News service (complete with some very nauseating flashing ads that I’m seeing right now). Loren from Search Engine Journal posts that blogs and news sites wanting to be considered for this new index can submit their link here. This is a worthwhile endeavor for any ...more
Blog Promotion

Being ‘Discovered’ vs ‘Slow and Steady’ Blog Growth
Kumiko asks – ‘I was studying John Chow’s traffic patterns through Alexa and noticed that his popularity really surged after four of his articles were listed on Digg and his traffic went through the roof. He was ‘discovered’ through these and his traffic levels have never really looked back. And ...more
Blog Promotion

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Lots of Link Love
This Guest Post was written by Wendy Piersall from eMoms at Home. Good link love, bad link love, do we really care who links to us? A savvy blogger would say yes and no. Based on the 80-20 rule of business – 80% of your traffic will come from only ...more
Blog Promotion

A Strategy for Relationship Linking
The following post has been contributed by Liz Strauss from Successful Blog. Blogging is more than writing and sharing information with the masses. Publishing a post only starts the heartbeat of growing blog. Yaro Starak says Don’t Be An Insular Blogger, never linking to or talking about other bloggers. Mike ...more
Blog Promotion

5 Ways to Tap Hidden Money Making Opportunities With Your Blog
This Guest Post was written by Wendy Piersall from eMoms at Home. Although Darren writes frequently on the ways to monetize a blog, it’s no secret that many of his tips work best on a product-focused site such as his Digital Photography Blog. This leaves many of us who write ...more
Blog Promotion

5 ways to Increase your Blog Traffic
This post has been submitted by Neil Patel. Neil is co-founder and CTO of ACS) and writes regularly on social media issues through the company’s blog, Pronet Advertising. Traffic, traffic, traffic! We all want more traffic but sometimes it can be hard to sift through all the things you can ...more
Blog Promotion