CategoryBlog Promotion

15th of August 2014 Guest Blogger Comment

5 Tips From a Bestselling Author (and Former Luddite) on Overcoming Blog Phobia

This is a guest contribution from author Eileen Goudge. There’s no such term as “blog phobia” as far as I know, but the condition is very real, I assure you. I know authors who quake at the mention of blogging, as I once did before I got a handle on it. ...more
Blog Promotion
Theme Week: Tips and Tricks to Nail Facebook Advertising, a Webinar with Jon Loomer
7th of August 2014 Stacey Roberts 14 Comments

Theme Week: Tips and Tricks to Nail Facebook Advertising, a Webinar with Jon Loomer

Jon Loomer, the King of advanced Facebook marketing, recently stopped by to share his insight and specialist tips on all things Facebook advertising. Not just for business with big budgets, targeted Facebook ads and a little forethought can be useful for any kind of blogger wanting to reach out ...more
Theme Week: Your Guide to All Things Facebook
3rd of August 2014 Stacey Roberts 11 Comments

Theme Week: Your Guide to All Things Facebook

Facebook – whether you love it or hate it, there’s no denying that huge numbers of your readers are on it. And although it can be confusing, frustrating, and increasingly a “pay for results” platform; with a bit of knowledge up your sleeve, you can really make it work for ...more
Blog Promotion
Increase Your SEO By Appearing on Google News
31st of July 2014 Guest Blogger 31 Comments

Increase Your SEO By Appearing on Google News

This is a guest contribution from business/tech writer Nick Chowdrey. Getting on Google News Everybody knows that the world of SEO is changing. As Google’s algorithms get ever more efficient at filtering out good content from bad, more and more companies are turning to content marketing and guest posting to ...more
Blog Promotion
Script Video Marketing Success with the Right Content
14th of July 2014 Guest Blogger Comment

Script Video Marketing Success with the Right Content

This is a guest contribution from Amy Brown of Videos don’t have a magic wand, as believed by certain marketeers (both amateurs and seasoned ones).  Threading video marketing success is hard work, and requires a fair bit of creativity. While it’s true that video content can enhance engagement at a ...more
Blog Promotion
Six Simple Steps to Optimize your Blog’s Video Content on YouTube
19th of June 2014 Guest Blogger 18 Comments

Six Simple Steps to Optimize your Blog’s Video Content on YouTube

This is a guest contribution from Praveenkumar Mavi, of Just2clik Blog YouTube is a widely-used search engine for videos its value shouldn’t be underestimated. There are millions of videos daily uploaded onto YouTube, so it is very important to optimize your videos at their top level to get more hits and ...more
Blog Promotion
How to Socialize Your Posts for Maximum Effect
2nd of June 2014 Darren Rowse 25 Comments

How to Socialize Your Posts for Maximum Effect

Today as part of our exploration of things to do after you’ve hit publish on blog posts, I want us to take a look at the topic of ‘socializing’ our content. Most bloggers have at least some kind of strategy in place when it comes to sharing our blog posts ...more
Blog Promotion
Online Marketing: Why Email is a Richer Cousin to Social Media
22nd of May 2014 Guest Blogger 23 Comments

Online Marketing: Why Email is a Richer Cousin to Social Media

This is a guest contribution from Mike Swan of Markupcloud Ltd Let’s put it without masking – email marketing is facing challenges unbridled;  not in terms of its effectiveness as an online marketing endeavor, but in a way it is being adopted and used. While the new players on the ...more
Blog Promotion
Optimize Blog Content for Social Media with These 4 Effective Tactics
20th of May 2014 Guest Blogger 43 Comments

Optimize Blog Content for Social Media with These 4 Effective Tactics

This is a guest contribution from freelance blogger and writer Alicia Rades. When you get a notification that someone tweeted or liked your latest blog post, you get excited. You can’t help but crack a smile and do a little fist pump because someone shared your content. If you feel ...more
Blog Promotion