CategoryBlog Promotion

How to Approach Influencers in Your Niche: Twelve Crucial Tips
Do you want to connect with influencers in your niche? Most bloggers do. But many of them go about it the wrong way. Forming relationships with influencers is something you really want to get right. Done well, it’s one of the best ways to grow your audience and brand. And hopefully ...more
Blog Promotion

How to Turn a Blog Post into a Press Release
This guest post is by Erika Gimbel, a Chicago freelance writer. If you’re an ace at writing blog copy, you can write an excellent press release. Both have many of the same elements: strong headlines, top-down format (most important stuff up front), etc. You already know that press releases are ...more
Blog Promotion

Content Creation vs Content Promotion: Where is the Balance?
A few days ago we published a post on ProBlogger titled ‘Forget about Marketing: Concentrate on Blogging‘, which led to some interesting discussion on Twitter and in the comments. I love the points author Nicholas Whitmore made in the post but I wanted to give a few thoughts, based on ...more
Blog Promotion

Forget about Marketing: Concentrate on Blogging
This is a guest contribution by Nicholas Whitmore. The title: What on earth does it mean? Well, recently it seems like a lot of bloggers fancy themselves as marketers. You can’t read a post on a blog without seeing a load of other bloggers commenting at the bottom, with a link ...more
Blog Promotion

Finding Readers for Your Blog – What We Wish We Knew
This post is part of the ‘What we wish we Knew’ Series. In this post I’ll share readers comments on the topic of finding readers for a blog as well as some of my own experiences and advice. We’ve talked about setting your blog up right (hosting, domains and platforms), ...more
Blog Promotion

How Link Building Can Help You Grow Your Blog
This is a guest contribution from Sam Bowman (details below) Link building is one of the most popular and effective ways to expand your growth online. It is also considered an essential SEO step for bloggers. Having other blogs linking back to your own is a way of convincing Google you’re ...more
Blog Promotion

Get Your First 1000 Readers: Here’s Your Step by Step Plan
By ProBlogger Writing Expert Ali Luke. Has your blog got a grand total of three subscribers? (You, your test account, and your mum?) Maybe you’ve got a little bit further than that. You’ve got 10 or 20 or 50 readers signed up to read your posts or your newsletter. But ...more
Blog Promotion

How to Be a Purple Cow Blogger
One of the common mistakes that I see in many blogs is that they are quite simply unremarkable. We’ve all seen seen these blogs – (and most of us if we’re honest will admit to having written them at some point) – they are the blogs you look at for ...more
Blog Promotion

How I Turned One Blog Post Into a 7-Figure Business (And How You Can Capitalize on Going Viral)
In 2013, I experienced a writer’s dream come true. My blog post, 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do, went viral. And not just a little viral, it went mega-viral. It was read by millions of people in a matter of days. And then picked it up and it ...more
Blog Promotion