CategoryBlog Promotion

28th of April 2022 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

6 Reasons Your Blog Traffic Might Be Declining [And What to Do About It]

I’ve read a few comments here on Problogger from bloggers who are feeling low because they’ve noticed a plateau or even a decrease in the traffic coming to their blog. While we all want to see our traffic rise the reality is that every blog has days, weeks and even ...more
Blog Promotion
3rd of March 2022 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

How to Grow Your Blog with Viral Content

Recently, I’ve been exploring five strategies that I’d employ to promote my blog if I were starting all over again. I said earlier in the series that I’m assuming ‘great content’ is being added to the hypothetical new blog that we’re promoting. However when it comes to blogging not all ...more
Blog Promotion
24th of February 2022 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

How to Use Social Media to Promote Your Blog

This month we’ve been looking at five different methods that I’d use to find readership if I were starting a new blog. So far we’ve explored guest posting, advertising and networking – but today I want to turn our attention to the dynamic area of social media. Social media sites ...more
Blog Promotion
17th of February 2022 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

How to Use Advertising to Promote Your Blog

Have you ever considered advertising your blog? Today I want to explore this idea as part of my series of posts on how I’d promote my blog if I was starting from scratch. Most blog promotion tips that I see given are about growing your blog’s readership quite organically (something ...more
Blog Promotion
10th of February 2022 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

How to Promote Your Blog through Networking

This is the second of five ways that I’d promote a new blog to new readers if i was starting out again. Today I want to turn our attention to Networking as a great way to promote a blog. If I were starting out in blogging today knowing what I ...more
Blog Promotion
3rd of February 2022 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Finding New Readers for Your Blog with Guest Posting

This week I’m introducing the first of five ways that I’d promote a new blog to new readers if i was starting out again. Perhaps one of the most powerful ways of exposing your writing to a new group of people is to put some of your best content on ...more
Blog Promotion
Facebook group hacks
12th of July 2018 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Facebook Group Hacks with Pat Flynn

Our team has just finished watching this video of Pat Flynn’s from earlier this year. It’s all about using Facebook groups, and he shares 27 different tips and hacks for Facebook marketing within your groups. We think it will give you a lot of great ideas for your own Facebook ...more
Blog Promotion
What's the best newsletter frequency for you and your readers?
5th of July 2018 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

How Often Should You Email Your Newsletter List?

In the past we’ve taken a look at why your blog needs an email newsletter and what you should include in your email newsletter. But people have been asking for more detail on how often you should send emails to your newsletter subscribers. So we’re adding this post to round out ...more
Blog Promotion
Here's what you need to know about getting started with email
11th of June 2018 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

251: What You Should Know About Getting Started with Email

Everything You Need to Know About Getting Started with Email Have people been telling you for years that you need to create an email list for your blog? Is it time to finally bite the bullet? Let’s talk about email – how to get started, email providers, types of messages, ...more
Blog Promotion