CategoryBlog Design

Thesis – a WordPress Theme Design Worth Considering
What do you get when you take one great blog designer and match him with a fantastic blogger with superb writing ability and marketing skills? Not it’s not the start to a bad joke and yes the answer could be many things – but today I’m excited because one of ...more
Blog Design

Best WordPress Template Designs
Every week I’m asked by readers to recommend a WordPress template. I thought it’d make an interesting discussion – which WordPress templates are your favorites? I know it always varies from blog to blog when you’re choosing the best template for the job but I’d love to see some of ...more
Blog Design

How Many Posts Should You Show On Your Blog’s Front Page?
@tcdzomba (on Twitter) asked me – “Do u have a post up about how many blog posts to keep on the front page of the blog?” It’s not a topic that I’ve written about specifically before so let me write on that topic now for you and open it up ...more
Blog Design

The Importance of ‘Pause Points’ On Your Blog
Over the last week I’ve run some Crazy Egg heat map tracking on two posts on Digital Photography School (both of which got to the front page of Digg and got a lot of traffic) that both highlight to me a very simple method of increasing the number of pages ...more
Blog Design

On Making Your Blog Design Work For You
I’m doing most of my linking out to the great posts that I read over on Twitter these days but today a post by Chris Brogan got my attention that I’d particularly like to highlight. You can read it at: Make Your Blog Design Work For You What I like ...more
Blog Design

How Do I Get a Professionally Designed Blog?
In this post Daniel Scocco answers a question from Reader Mar Joseph who asks: I would like to have my site professionally designed as my lack of code knowledge is really holding me back. What are the best avenues to find designers? First of all let’s identify the goal behind ...more
Blog Design

Should I Have a BlogRoll on my Blog
@SalesBlogcast asks – “What’s the difference between haveing “links” vs. a “blog roll?” Benefits? Chosing wisely?” Ultimately the word ‘blogroll’ is just a different term used to describe a list of links, usually on the sidebar of a blog. It’s just a different label for the list of links I ...more
Blog Design

Blog Design – Does it Matter?
@mattpacker asks – how important is the design of your blog and how hard a decision do you think it would be to develop a new theme for it? There will probably be a little debate over this one in the comments on this post because every time I see ...more
Blog Design

Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Blog’s Usability
Skellie is a regular writer for ProBlogger. Check out her new blog Anywired if you’re interested in earning an income online. Usability. Yaaawn, right? Think of it like this: the art of making it as easy as possible for your blog’s visitors to do exactly what you want them to ...more
Blog Design