
Weblog Ad Directory Idea Floated
There’s a fascinating post over at the Jason Calacanis Weblog about talks between Gawker, Weblogs Inc and Federated Media about putting together a Weblog Ad Directory. Looks like a pretty interesting idea for those of us (big and small – although not too small with the costs he mentions to ...more

Essential Advertising Systems – Poll of the Week
I’ve just started this week’s ‘poll of the week’ in the side bar. It asks: “If you could only use one Ad System which would it be?” I’ve given you 9 of the more popular options that I see many bloggers experimenting with. I know there are others that I’ve ...more

Ad Sizes on Blogs
Duncan has posted A short guide to ad sizes which really is a must read if you’re looking to use advertising on your blog. He takes a look at Ad placement, ad sizes and Chitika just to name some of what he covers: ‘Dont be afraid to experiment with your ...more

MSN Adcenter Launches Beta
Jen just mentioned on webmasterradio that the MSN Adcenter just went live with their beta test in the US. Can’t find any details of it yet but it’s interesting news and a step towards some competition for Adsense and YPN. update: Jen has now updated her blog with more information ...more

Adgenta Blog Ads – First Impressions Review
After a lot of hints the team at Qumana have launched the AdGenta advertising system for bloggers. They describe the system as: ‘a post-centric advertising system. Post-centric ads appear wherever your post does: your blog, your feed, and search results. Each ad is based on what you think it should ...more

Smart Online Marketing
Yaro has a good post on his experiment to buy a 100×100 pixel ad on the Million Dollar Homepage. The results were disappointing for the investment of $100 – especially when he compares the results of the ad to the results of writing a quality post on his blog that ...more

Blog Adverting Moguls
Interesting article over at Clickz on A Tale of Two Blog Adverting Moguls – John Battelle from Federated Media Publishing and and Philip Kaplan from Adbrite – both of whom are making a mark for themselves in Blog-vertising. ‘One is a celebrated bubble-era publisher, an Internet consultant, a book author ...more

Audi Finds that Blog Advertising is Cost Effective
A recent campaign by Audi brought about some pretty staggering results with 29% of traffic to their Audi A3 promotional website coming from BlogAds. The amazing part is that the BlogAds cost were just 1.5% of their total ad spend for the campaign. Now THAT is a good return ...more

Advertising In Blogs – Survey
Tris has posted about an Advertising in Blogs – linking to a survey that Qumana did of bloggers. The survey only had a pretty small sample size so you’ll not want to take it as ultimate truth – but the results are interesting. They found 37% of bloggers had ads ...more