
Google to Test Audio Ads
News is emerging today that Google is planning on launching a beta of Audio Ads by the end of the year. It’s previously dabbled in print advertising but now look like they’re targeting radio according to a range of articles going around today. I wonder if they’ll also do some ...more

Linkbucks Beta
Another new advertising system that is causing a bit of a buzz at the moment is It’s currently in beta (isn’t everything these days?) and has a different model to many others (one I’m not sure I’d use personally). From what I can tell – LinkBucks is different because ...more

Performancing Partners to Add New Advertiser Options – Beta Testers Wanted
Performancing are Looking for a few beta testers for a new feature that they’re adding to their new Partners Ad Network. The test seems to be allowing advertisers to use text ads instead of having to make the 125 x 125 pixel ads currently in the system. While I quite ...more

AdSense Testing Ads in Password Protected Areas
Dave Taylor posts that AdSense are testing with a select group of publishers a program called ‘Site Authentication’ where they allow publishers to run their ads on password protected sites – something not previously allowed. He publishes part of an email that AdSense sent to testers: ‘”You are one of ...more

Performancing Partners Sends First Payments
I just received my first ever Performancing Partners (aff) payment (read my first impression review of the ad network here). It wasn’t a massive amount (in the mid ‘three figure’ range) but not bad for a first month. I’m not sure exactly how much of it was from advertisers and ...more

Performancing Partners – First Impression Review
Performancing have just shot an email out to their newsletter list announcing their long awaited Performancing Partners program – an ad network which will rival BlogAds and which will be of interest to bloggers wishing to make money blogging. It’s not really a secret as they’ve been quite open about ...more

Adbrite to Group Publishers in Channels
Adbrite publishers received an email today announcing (without details) a new system that will cluster ‘the best’ AdBrite sites together in channels. The email reads: We’re testing a new system for advertisers that may result in many more ads for you to approve. More details to come, but the gist ...more

Feedvertising – Really Simple RSS Advertising – Text Link Ads
Text Link Ads have just launched a new advertising format called Feedvertising (aff). Those of you who subscribe to my RSS feed will probably have noticed that some text links have appeared at the bottom of my posts for the past few days – they are the Feedvertising ads that ...more

BlogHerAds Goes Live
BlogHer have taken another step in the development of their BlogHerAds ad network by going live and opening things up for others to apply to. To this point the beta test was only available for 30 or so parenting bloggers but now it’s open to anyone to apply to join. ...more