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Care to Share? What Was YOUR Most Popular Post of 2014?

Posted By Stacey Roberts 22nd of December 2014 Community Discussion 0 Comments

Share your most popular posts of 2104

So last week we went right through the top five posts on ProBlogger 2014 in each of the categories of monetization, creating content, social media, writing, and general tips. Some of them were surprising, but most weren’t – good advice is good advice, after all! I know a lot of you have seen real results from making these changes to the way you work.

So what we wanted to know was – what is the most popular post on your blog this year? Can you see why it was popular? And more importantly – what can you learn from it that will help you for your content next year? Is it a topic you can find a new angle on? Something you can update for your readers? Something you can turn into a series, an eBook, an eCourse? Is it a topic you enjoyed writing about? Is there a way you can repackage it, say as an audio file or a slideshare? The possibilities are endless, and having information you know your readers already resonate with is a great place to start.

So link up your most popular post in the comments and share it with the ProBlogger community. If you read one you love, tweet it to your friends and followers. I can’t wait to see all the different genres everyone covers.

Stacey is the Managing Editor of ProBlogger.net: a writer, blogger, and full-time word nerd balancing it all with being a stay-at-home mum. She writes about all this and more at Veggie Mama. Chat with her on Twitter @veggie_mama (cat pictures welcome!).

About Stacey Roberts
Stacey Roberts is the Managing Editor of ProBlogger.net: a writer, blogger, and full-time word nerd balancing it all with being a stay-at-home mum. She writes about all this and more at Veggie Mama. Chat with her on Twitter @veggie_mama, follow on Pinterest for fun and useful tips, peek behind the curtain on Instagramand Snapchat, listen to her 90s pop culture podcast, or be entertained on Facebook.
  1. Thanks for the opportunity to share here. My most popular post of 2014 was a post titled “Experience the Supernatural.” Here’s the link: http://www.jonstolpe.com/2014/09/29/experience-the-supernatural/

  2. My most popular post this year was “34 Quotes on Surviving Infertility” http://www.amateurnester.com/2014/08/34-infertility-quotes.html

  3. Thanks for the opportunity!

    My blog is only a few months old, but I got a lot of traction from this: 35 Reasons Adults Over 40 Should Do More Walking In 2015

    Happy Holidays everyone!

  4. I posted a blog about my journey to better fitness in May and I received a lot of great feedback on it. My story really reached people and I hope it inspired others in a similar situation to accomplish their fitness goals.


  5. Financial bloggers are searching for topics.

    My most popular 2014 post is http://investmentwriting.com/2014/06/20-topics-financial-blog/

  6. I cover organized crime; that story is related to the now-cancelled reality show Godfather of Pittsburgh. It’s actually quite amazing how popular the story is on my four-year-old blog. It cracked my all-time top 10 list….

    • Stacey Roberts says: 12/22/2014 at 1:51 pm

      Isn’t it crazy when a post does that?!

      • Yes, Stacy — it really is!! I was lucky enough to get picked up by the NY Daily News a month after I launched; it only lasted a couple of months back in 2011 but it was an incredible break for a new blogger….

  7. I am an obstacle racer, and my most popular post this year has been the 2014 Spartan Race World Championship stats – analysis of distance, elevation and difficulty.


  8. I’m afraid my most popular post is quite a long one where I compiled a list of the most haunted hotels in the UK… http://eerieplace.com/haunted-hotels-uk/

  9. Small businesses who want to get serious about their website and use it to generate leads and sales have to decide which platform is right for them.

    I compared Squarespace, WordPress and the New Rainmaker here:


  10. My most popular post of 2014 was
    21 Warning Signs that Your Workout Routine Absolutely Sucks!

  11. My most popular post was: “50 Books Everyone Should Read: http://www.theprivatelifeofagirl.com/2014/05/50-books-everyone-should-read.html

  12. I wrote this the night of the Eric Garner grand jury decision. I was tired & upset, & maybe that’s what helped me capture my feelings the best:


  13. Hi Stacey,

    It’s close to a tie but this one seems to have received the most pub during the past year on Blogging from Paradise.


    As for the reasons, their are more than a few.

    #1 – 21 Tips in the title makes the post compelling. Double figure themed titles rock, but if you ramp it up to 15 or 20 tips or more people can’t seem to get enough of these posts. I vibe with them because if it comes down to 5 tips or 21 tips, I am picking the post with higher tips. We all want resources, and it looks like my readers wanted a bunch of blogging tips.

    “Simple” is also a buzz word which gets clicks. No one digs complex, unless you’re a masochist ;) But simple works quite nicely because we want easy to understand, practical tips to follow, to build our blogs.

    I stayed on topic with the post; ding ding ding, bonus points here. I write about how to retire to a life of island hopping through smart blogging, and lo and behold, I stuck to my topic. That helped boost views.

    The post was 7,000 words long. Seven Thousand. I reckon giving out an eBook, for free, had something to do with the post’s popularity. I don’t post more than once a week usually, but when I do post, I really, really make it count, to benefit my audience. If I know how to build a blog which you can engineer a freeing life around, living in places like Fiji and Bali, I’ll do my best to share that insight with you.

    So as for the post itself, I told a few of my travel stories – as I generally do in all of my posts – and related to blogging tips. My audience likes the analogy bit, and eats it up. I also kept things practical. Although I sell a spectacular dream I also keep things simple and practical, because simple and practical are really powerful. So I offered simple tips that you could use, to draw in readers.

    I also peppered in my images from paradise. At the time, I was living in Bali, so it was Bali pics. I’ll be heading back in early February so it’ll be nice to be in the Pro Blogger time zone again ;) Looking forward to it.

    I also edited the images, adding some text. The personal touch boosts views and shares too.

    My community supports me big time, all of the time, yet with this post I noted a spike in comments. I usually see 40 to 50 on many posts but this one reeled in 91 comments. Big number title, 7,000 word, comprehensive, pillar style post with enticing images of paradise, fun stories and the most practical delivery all contributed to it being my most popular post of the year.

    Stacey, thanks so much for sharing this idea with us.

    Tweeting now!


    • Stacey Roberts says: 12/22/2014 at 2:00 pm

      Isn’t it great when a post you put that much effort into has that kind of effect?

    • wow, 7 000 words! Seven thousand.
      I never thought I would be able to read such a huge post till the end, the magic happened.
      Your post is very helpful as well as entertaining, and this is exactly what blog post consumers get hooked onto. Thanks for putting efforts in writing it and sharing with us.
      Merry Christmas!

  14. I published a screenshare video about how easy it is to create images using Canva. I learned my visitors want more content like it. Here it is. http://www.rocksolidinfo.com/create-unique-background-images-website/ Next year I’m going to make more of these.

  15. Thanks for asking!

    How to Use Social Media to Grow Your Email Subscribers:


  16. Appreciate the offer.
    Divi 2.0 by Elegant Themes – the complete review


  17. I think this post was popular because it summed up my whole “101 things in 1001 days” project in just three minutes:


    Thanks! I’m looking forward to seeing what people share.

  18. My most popular post was an infographic of the four freedoms offered by WordPress:


  19. What an awesome idea! Waiting for more post to see what made news in 2014, and if I missed it. Here is the most popular one for me –

    One tip I wished I followed for a flat tummy after pregnancy


  20. By a long shot my most popular post of 2014 was How to Use Google Drive as a Dirt Cheap Backup Solution.


    Looking forward to reading others posts.

  21. I read you but my blog is in spanish about activities if you travel to London.

  22. thanks for all the great material you publish it, I follow you with bloglovin.
    I have a book blog, so I guess it’s under Writing.
    My post popular post in 2014 was:
    This is the page of a Reading Challenge I run myself. Reading Challenges are extremely popular among book bloggers.
    This is the 3rd year I’m doing it, and France has a special attraction for US readers (most of my readers), so that makes sense, plus the participants have to come back to link their post each time they review a book related to the challenge.
    So that type of posts is automatically inviting people to come back.
    I’m actually happily surprised, I thought the best was going to be a blogger hop: it’s a contest for many bloggers together, and the participants are invited to go visit each blog to win something there.

    for 2015, I’m giving it an extra fun twist, turning it into a French Bingo. if some of your readers are interested in reading books related to France, you can have a shot at it: http://wordsandpeace.com/2014/12/01/french-bingo-2015-reading-challenge/

    I looked for my all time stats, and my review on Mice and Men is still the best – I guess lots of kids are coming if thy could still some ideas here for their homework, lol

    • Stacey Roberts says: 12/22/2014 at 2:15 pm

      French Bingo! Very cool! I think reading challenges are great.

      • thanks Stacy, are you a book blogger yourself? actually you can participate in this one even if you don’t have a book blog. you can link to your review on Goodreads

  23. What a weird coincidence my most recent post is asking people the exact same question! I guess great minds think a like ( or I’ve done my homework and seen you do this before and stole your idea but we won’t talk about that)

    At the end of the 2013 I want to take a hard look at where I had been so I created a top 100 post of the year: Marty’s Top 100 Post of 2013,Part 10: Post 10-1 http://www.thoughtsonlifeandmoney.com/2014/02/martys-top-100-post-of-2013part-10-post.html

    At the beggining of the year I want to write something from the heart so

    A Different Kind of New Years Resolution : A Letter to My Younger Self – See more at: http://www.thoughtsonlifeandmoney.com/2013/12/a-different-kind-of-new-years.html#sthash.VxTpg690.dpuf

  24. The article introducing the Tintype Studio – a duo making beautiful images using old photographic techniques dating back to the the 1850’s!


  25. What a great idea! Thank you.

    My most popular post was about staying positive during difficult times. You can read it here: http://thehappinessblogger.com/is-it-possible-to-stay-positive-during-difficult-times/

  26. I think my most popular blog post was one where I explained the various money making programs available on Amazon.

    Here is the link:

    Even though Amazon does describe their programs they don’t really go into depth about what is good, not so good, and why you may or may not want to participate in any or all of them (or even none in some instances).

    I think what I learned the most about this particular post is that I sought out something that people were likely wondering about but little information existed in its completeness. My lesson from this is to look for what people are truly looking for and provide them with the answers.

    Best Regards,
    Jim Cochrane

  27. I write a local food lifestyle blog, and my recipe for roasted Brussels sprouts and chickpeas was the most popular:


  28. Thanks to Deepak Chopra spotting this post & tweeting about it a few times this was my most successful post on my ‘everyday neuroscience’ blog AND I’m now creating an online Neuroscience Academy because SO many people are interested in learning about this brain & neuro plasticity. http://yourbrainhealth.com.au/27-minutes-mindfulness-meditation-day-changes-brain-structure/

  29. Again, my number one blog post on Crank101.com was 27 Reasons I Love to Go Running! Had a lot of fun writing that one, and it appears to be timeless.

    On AimforAwesome.com my site dedicated to all things Hawaii, my post – Want to Change Your Life? Move to Hawaii! nailed it!

    On MikeFook.com – 50 Reasons EBooks Are Better eked out a win over some other popular articles.

    Thanks for the opp Darren! Cheers all! Cannot wait to get a huge list of great stuff to read from these comments.

  30. My most popular post this year was how to deal with short term losses.

  31. I am a scientist, applied mathematician to be precise. My most popular post was an advise on how to write an academic publication, it’s called “how to write a paper?”:


    Thanks for sharing and seasons greeting! Marco

    • Stacey Roberts says: 12/22/2014 at 2:25 pm

      Love this! I’ve written many in my time, but never about mathematics…. that’s not my strong suit ;-)

  32. I’m a creative DIY garden blogger.

    One of my top posts this year was not from this year! (Thank you, Pinterest!):

    How to make decorative garden art balls:


  33. My most successful blog by far was one where I went on a mission to eliminate mum guilt, the guilt working mothers feel and stay at home mother feel. http://www.girlsgotcurves.com/cry-kiss/

  34. Five things to consider before making a tree change. http://www.countrylifeexperiment.com/2014/11/five-things-to-consider-before-making.html where I shed a little bit of reality on life on a farm. It seemed to really click with people. Along the same line, is this post I wrote at the beginning of the year: The truth about the country life http://www.countrylifeexperiment.com/2014/03/the-truth-about-country-life.html#.U6FHvPmSySo where I share some of the my struggles with farm life.

  35. I am a mariner and the most Popular blog post for 2014 for me was


    That single blog sent thousands of visitors each day for almost a week when I wrote it and still gets shared now and then. The main traffic source from that post was Facebook as the link shared keeps getting likes and shares.
    The only reason I think it was popular because readers could relate to what I wrote.

  36. My most popular post for the year is DIY – CARPET STAIN REMOVER

  37. My most popular post came out of a vacation to El Nido and introduced the area to readers.


    I loved that place so much that 4 subsequent posts came out of that trip. It’s really a hot place to visit and write about. I hope to find more when traveling SE Asia this year.

  38. Mine was ‘Transient Beauty’, about cherry blossoms in Korea and the transience of life, as viewed through the philosophy of Fight Club and an expat’s camera lens.


  39. My most popular post for 2014 was 10 Ways a Wife Can Influence the Heart of Her Husband: http://joleneengle.com/10-ways-wife-can-influence-heart-husband/

  40. Darren, Thank you so much for the opportunity to share. I am a big fan of Problogger. I just recommeded your blog to my aspiring Haitian bloggers on my eBook. Your blog and Coppyblogger’s have made a difference in my new journey as a new blogger. Incidently, my guest post blog below was the most popular post of 2014. 5 Lessons of Success For Diaspora-Owned Haiti Businesses.


  41. So many popular post, this is going to take me days to read and consume all kinds of information from around the world :)

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