208: 5 Actionable Tips You Can Use to Get Better Results on Your Facebook Page
Get Better Facebook Page Results With These 5 Actionable Tips Today, I want to present you with five actionable things you can do to increase the effectiveness of what you do to build your business on Facebook – particularly from Facebook pages. I know there’s a lot of pain and ...more
Blog Promotion
How to Work Productively on a Plane
If I look back at the key products and services I’ve created, they’ve all been influenced by productive groundwork done while travelling. Australia is a long way from most places, so when travelling to places like the USA, there are plenty of hours on the plane that can be filled with deep ...more
Be Productive
How To Achieve Your Goals – Hint #1
Friend – ‘Darren, I never seem to reach any of my goals.’ Darren – ‘What are your Goals?’ Friend – ‘…ummm….. ‘ Darren – ‘Do you have any goals?’ Friend – ‘Yes – at the start of the year I worked some out’ Darren – ‘So what are your goals?’ ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
207: Smartphone and Tablet Apps for Bloggers
Blogger Apps for Smartphone and Tablet Today, I want to take you on a tour of my iPhone and iPad, and talk about the apps I use most in my blogging and online business activities. One of the biggest changes that has happened in my blogging since I began back ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Check Out These 5 Noteworthy Blog Design Trends
Blog design sure has come a long way since I started doing them 6-7 years ago. Back then the designs were very … bloggy. The most recently written post was given all the prime real estate on the home page, with the next most recent posts appearing beneath it. Sidebars ...more
Blog Design
3 Ways to Turn Blog Posts into Engaging Instagram Content
This is a guest post from Jonathan Chan of Foundr Magazine. You are probably here because you are a proud blog owner. Your content is consistently fresh and up-to-date, your mission statement is on point, you’ve managed to create a brand from scratch and everything is going swimmingly. But you’re ...more
Blog Promotion
206: Personal Brands vs Business Brands for Blogs
Is There a Right Way to Brand Your Blog? I’m just back from our Aussie Problogger training events where we ran masterminds with around 40 bloggers per city. In those days speakers spent time with small groups of attendees in round table discussions where attendees could ask us any question ...more
Strategy & Planning
What you Missed Last Week at ProBlogger Evolve
ProBlogger training events have been something I’ve been running for bloggers here in Australia (and the region) since 2010. They started that first year with a hastily arranged event (in just a few weeks) for 120 bloggers who crammed themselves into a little suburban hotel here in Melbourne. The day ...more
Pro Blogging News
3 Ways to Make More Affiliate Income as Bloggers
This is a post by ProBlogger expert Jerry Low. Promoting affiliate products is still one of the most effective ways to make money from your blog. Jayson DeMers points to affiliate marketing as an excellent entry-level place to begin monetizing your blog in this Forbes article, because it is easy ...more
Blogging for Dollars