How to Create More Content for Your Blog and Kill 2 Birds With 1 Stone
“Darren, do you have any tips for creating more content for my blog? I have grown my blog to become reasonably successful but as it grows find myself with more and more requests and questions from readers that take me away from writing content. What should I do?”—William Hi William ...more
Writing Content

Why Writing Every Day Isn’t Enough
This post is by Michelle of Wicked Whimsy. One of the most common pieces of advice given to aspiring writers and, by extension, bloggers is to write every day. The idea of a daily writing practice is thrown around as though it’s a cure-all for any malady. Don’t get me ...more
Writing Content

Christmas Greetings
Thanks to everyone for a wonderful year in 2010. Wishing you peace and happiness in this holiday season and looking forward to connecting with you in the new year!
ProBlogger Site News

2010: The Social Media Year in Review for Bloggers
2010 will be remembered as the year that social media made a big splash in the lives of business owners. If you’re someone who runs an online business, you’ll have realized that social media has joined the ranks of SEO as a must-do activity (and, for some, has started to ...more
Social Media

How to Increase Product Profitability After Launch
Many bloggers develop products as a way to monetize their blogging, but one problem that more bloggers are running into is that they become very dependent upon product launches. A product launch can bring a lot of profitability to your blog, but what happens when things die down after that ...more
Video Posts

Five Ways to Become a Better Writer and Take Your Blog to the Top
This guest post is by Ali Luke of Aliventures. Does great writing matter in blogging? It’s a debate that isn’t over—yet. But it’s one where more and more blogging experts are emphasizing that your writing does matter, and that readers are drawn in by a strong, engaging voice. Great writing ...more
Writing Content

11 Wacky Things Bought via My Amazon Affiliate Links in 2010
It is the end of the year, and time for a little fun. What’s the funniest, weirdest, or most surprising thing someone has bought through one of your affiliate links on Amazon? I was trawling through my Amazon Associates reports yesterday to see what items were selling, and here’s my ...more
Affiliate Programs

How to Optimize Your Sales Funnel for Success
This post was written by the Web Marketing Ninja — a professional online marketer for a major web brand, who’s sharing his tips undercover here at ProBlogger. Curious? So are we! As online marketers, we often devote a large amount of time to finding ways to attract eyeballs to our ...more
Blogging for Dollars

10 Blogging Myths You Must Ignore
This guest post is by Onibalusi Bamidele. I’ve been blogging for almost a year now, and like every other new blogger, I spend a large percentage of my time reading other blogs. While there are some great blogs out there, I have also read blogs that are otherwise. Most of ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips