Interview: Benny Lewis of FluentIn3Months
This guest post is by Kevin Muldoon of KevinMuldoon.com. Recently, I interviewed Benny Lewis, the man behind the successful blog Fluent In 3 Months. Over the last month or so I have been organising everything for my move to South America. Since reading The Motorcycle Diaries at University in my ...more
Case Studies

Melbourne ProBlogger Training Event – Tickets On Sale Now
If you’re an Aussie, have a blog, and are looking to improve it, check out the ProBlogger Training Day that we’re holding in Melbourne on 21 October this year. Tickets have just been released in the last hour for the event, and they’re selling fast (as I write this over ...more
Featured Posts

3 Questions to Ask Before You Publish Your Next Blog Post
This guest post is by Eric Transue of erictransue.net. “Warning: this post may cause dizziness.” This is not a warning you want to put at the top of a blog post. But guess what? Many should. Why? Because some blog posts leave visitors feeling dizzy and confused. They come in ...more
Writing Content

FeedBurner vs. Aweber: Do You Really Need an Autoresponder for Your Blog?
This guest post is by Aman Basanti of Ageofmarketing.com. When it comes to turning casual visitors into regular readers there are two main options—FeedBurner and Aweber. FeedBurner uses Feed-based technology (RSS and Atom) to send updates to your blog subscribers. Owned by Google (Google bought it in 2007 for $100 million), ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

How Offline Promotion Landed 300 New Blog Visitors
This guest post is by Kyle Taylor of The Penny Hoarder. I’ve been blogging for six short months and I’m bored. I still love writing new content, but like many of you, I have spent so many countless hours commenting, tweeting, and begging for backlinks that I’m simply too bored ...more
Blog Promotion

How to Recruit Evangelists for Your Blog
This guest post is by M.Farouk Radwan of http://www.2knowmyself.com. Today, every successful blogger knows that diversifying traffic sources is a practice we can’t afford to ignore. Search engines update their search algorithms all the time, social media sites keep rising and falling, and new traffic sources keep appearing and disappearing. ...more
Blog Promotion

Blogging Without a Computer
This guest post is by Janek Makulec of paylane. Blogging is actually a set of activities, but writing is always fundamental. Promoting your blog or presenting an outstanding layout is one thing, but you always have to offer good content first. Otherwise, the best you can achieve is being “the ...more
Writing Content

10 Blogosphere Trends + 34 Handy Grammar Tips
Online retailer Zappos has recently seen a “substantial” increase in revenue after correcting the grammar and spelling of reviews on its site. The sentiment of the reviews was not changed, but New York University research has shown that well-written reviews—even negative ones—inspire confidence. Why does that matter? Because the same ...more
Pro Blogging News

The Five Worst Ways to Title a Blog Post
Post titling seems to be something of sacred territory for many bloggers. We feel that the title contains the essence of our post, and therefore, it’s the essence of ourselves—our personalities, our messages, our brands. On the other hand, we see a lot of post titles on the Web, and ...more
Writing Content