Introduction to Autoresponders [And How You Can Use them to Drive Traffic and Profit]
26th of October 2011 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Introduction to Autoresponders [And How You Can Use them to Drive Traffic and Profit]

Today I want to talk about a tool all bloggers treating their blogs as a business should at the very least be familiar with—and should probably be using. It’s something that has the potential to drive significant traffic to your blog in the coming years. It could also add significant ...more
Blog Promotion
Google Analytics Real Time Stats Preview
26th of October 2011 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Google Analytics Real Time Stats Preview

Late last week I received an invitation to try out Google Analytics’ new Real Time Stats feature, which was announced a couple of weeks ago. I’m not sure when it will be available to everyone, so thought I’d give a quick preview of it. While it is very simple I ...more
Pro Blogging News
How to Use LinkedIn to Create Unique Opportunities for Your Blog Business
26th of October 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

How to Use LinkedIn to Create Unique Opportunities for Your Blog Business

This guest post is by Farnoosh Brock of Prolific Living. I thought I had my social media game covered on all fronts: Twitter, check. Facebook, check. Even Skype, which I like to include as a necessary tool for connecting real-time, check-check! Until I realized that I am missing one giant ...more
Social Media
Melbourne ProBlogger Event Recap, LinkUp and Looking Forward (#PBevent)
25th of October 2011 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Melbourne ProBlogger Event Recap, LinkUp and Looking Forward (#PBevent)

Last Friday was the second Melbourne ProBlogger Event, and I thought I’d take a moment or two today to create a bit of a summary of what happened on the day for those who weren’t able to be there. Wow, what a day it was! A total of 271 bloggers ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
How to Use Blogging as a Job Search Tool
25th of October 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

How to Use Blogging as a Job Search Tool

This guest post is by Lior Levin. Blogging is not just writing your personal notebook these days: it’s a truly open platform where people share their ideas, passion, goals, and thoughts on subjects they care about. Gone are the days when people would consider blogs “a personal affair.” The scene ...more
Blogging for Dollars
My 3-Step System for Finding Guest Post Opportunities
24th of October 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

My 3-Step System for Finding Guest Post Opportunities

This guest post is by Jocelyn Ann. Tired of haphazardly, randomly struggling to find guest blogging opportunities? Or finding yourself stressed to the max because you’re unable to locate your next guest-post goal for the month? You’re not alone. Most bloggers don’t know where or how to search properly, and ...more
Blog Promotion
How to Appease the Blogging Gods
23rd of October 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

How to Appease the Blogging Gods

This guest post is by Sriram Reddy of In ancient Greece, there used to be numerous gods for almost everything, from music to war. To appease the gods so they could a better life, the Greeks used to pray, pour wine on the ground, build statues, hold festivities, and ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Make Your Blog the Event of the Year (and have People Clamor to Attend)
22nd of October 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Make Your Blog the Event of the Year (and have People Clamor to Attend)

This guest post is by Tea, The Word Chef. Admit it: the last time you had important company over was the last time you really cleaned your house. Whether it was a visit from your mother, or a group of friends for a dinner party, you paid extra close attention ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
How to Write a Blog Post Like a Troublemaker with a Heart of Gold
21st of October 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

How to Write a Blog Post Like a Troublemaker with a Heart of Gold

This guest post is by Stefanie Flaxman of Revision Fairy Small Business Proofreading Services. In a world overflowing with bloggers, there’s the type of troublemaker you love and the type of troublemaker you hate. One introduces his opinion with a strong argument. You admire that he’s confident and direct. The ...more
Writing Content