Confessions of a Narcissistic Blogger
18th of January 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Confessions of a Narcissistic Blogger

This guest post was written by Joe Bunting of The Write Practice. I came across this interesting quote from psychologist Alexander Lowen: “To experience joy, one must be free of anxieties about letting go and expressing feeling. Or to put it differently, one has to be carefree and innocent as ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
What Has Blog SEO Got to Do With How Your Readers Feel?
17th of January 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

What Has Blog SEO Got to Do With How Your Readers Feel?

This guest post is by Dr. Mani of Internet infopreneur. My blogging has evolved. Since 2003, when I first started blogging, the style and nature of my writing has changed to match trends, experience, and personal growth. One thing however has remained constant. I write for my audience—and about things ...more
Search Engine Optimization
How Millionaires Approach Social Media
17th of January 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

How Millionaires Approach Social Media

This guest post is by Jaime Tardy of I’ve interviewed over 50 business owners who have a million-dollar net worth or more. As a blogger and podcaster I am always so curious as to how they use social media in their businesses. If I were to generalize, most of ...more
Social Media
A New Linking Strategy: Out is the New In
16th of January 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

A New Linking Strategy: Out is the New In

I’ve been thinking a lot about my linking strategy lately. Trying to get incoming backlinks, making sure I have good inner links… But one area that I think is too often overlooked is outbound links. Hello, it’s called the “web” When HTML was initially designed (and yes, I’m old enough ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
3 Traffic Generation Tactics from an Ordinary Human Being
16th of January 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

3 Traffic Generation Tactics from an Ordinary Human Being

In two and a half years, David Cain of has built a large and lively audience for his blog, which takes a “street-level look at the human experience.” He says the most important fuel for this growth was writing quality content. You already know about that, yeah? So in ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
31 Unexpected Perks of Blogging You’ll Never Want to Give Up
15th of January 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

31 Unexpected Perks of Blogging You’ll Never Want to Give Up

This guest post is by Uttoran Sen of You’ve got it! You’re officially a Have in a world of Have-nots! What do you have? It’s probably not money, fame, or tax-write-offs disguised as corporate jets. It’s something more powerful. You have a blog. And a darn fine one at ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
How to Build a Traffic-siphoning Marketing Funnel
14th of January 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

How to Build a Traffic-siphoning Marketing Funnel

This guest post is by Herman Diaz of SEO So Easy. Would you let Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, YouTube and other sites control your online business? Or would you like to control it yourself? Would you want to be in a position to lose your online income suddenly because Google ...more
Blogging for Dollars
What Motivates Readers to Share?
13th of January 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

What Motivates Readers to Share?

This guest post is by Dan Zarrella of In my research into sharing, I realized I needed to develop a framework that would serve as a model for the decision-making process that takes place before someone spreads an idea. This framework describes the three criteria that must be met ...more
Social Media
10 Ways To Get More Email Subscribers For Your Blog
13th of January 2012 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

10 Ways To Get More Email Subscribers For Your Blog

This guest post is by James Penn of I’m sure you’ve had it drummed into you by now that an email list is vitally important to your blog and your business. Darren often discusses how vital it is to build your email list and he recently Tweeted this graphic ...more
Blog Promotion