Tips for When You Can’t Blog
Have you ever come across a blog that posts more about why they don’t post than anything else? I hesitate to write about this method of ‘letting your blog go’ because I know that most bloggers do go through stages when they struggle to post to their blog due to ...more
Creating Content

How to Avoid Comment Spam Taking Over Your Blog
One of the saddest things that I see on blogs is where a blogger completely gives up on staying on top of comment spam. You dig into their archives searching for information and expertise on their topic only to find their comments section completely riddled with comments that range from ...more
Build Community

How do Bloggers Continue Their Professional Development?
I have a confession to make: I was a bit of a geek at school. I was the kid who asked questions all the time. What can I say? I loved learning. And I still do. Every part of the process is exciting for me – learning new things, meeting ...more
Strategy & Planning

Why Blog Post Titles Are Crucial
One problem that I regularly saw in the days that I took on blog consulting work was bloggers who spent hours and hours slaving over the writing of quality posts only to take 5 seconds to slap a very ordinary title on them. While poor titles won’t have as much ...more
Writing Content

How to Avoid The Danger of Becoming a Self-Centered Blogger
Updated post first published Jun 19, 2008 Letting Your Blog Go #3 Another way that some bloggers let their blogs go is to let their blog become more about them and their own needs and less about the needs of their readers. A blog will only ever be successful if ...more
Build Community

Tips To Help Your Blog Stay ‘On Topic’
Updated post first published Jun 18, 2008 Letting Your Blog Go #2 One way that I see some bloggers ‘letting their blog go‘ is to become distracted and move off topic more and more. When I asked readers why they unsubscribed from a blog’s RSS feed they told me that ...more
Writing Content

9 Tips to Help you Post More Frequently On Your Blog
Updated post first published Jun 17, 2008 Letting Your Blog Go #1 Problem: Perhaps the fastest way to let your blog go is to stop posting to it. It can happen for many reasons whether it be your life getting busy, suffering from a bout of bloggers block or becoming ...more
Writing Content

How Inspiring Your Readers Drives them to Search for Information (and Interact)
One of my mantras that I’ve shared many times when speaking, and here in posts on ProBlogger, is to build blogs that: Inspire Inform Interact My experience is that a blog can really come alive when you not only provide readers with information, but also give them inspiration and a ...more
Writing Content

Create a Resources Page to Grow Your Traffic and Income
This post is based on episode 74 of the ProBlogger podcast. How many useful resources have you talked about in your blog posts over the years? Chances are you’ve mentioned dozens of them – tools, books, articles, websites, and so on. So wouldn’t it be nice if your readers ...more
Blogging Tools and Services