Ngahuia Galligan

How to Monetise Your Influence Type: Micro-Influencers
Welcome to the next post in our series on monetising your influence type. Last time we looked at Platform-Specific Superstars – a small percentage of all influencers. This time we’re going to take a look at the other end of the spectrum. Most of us fit into the category of ...more
Blogging for Dollars

How to Monetize Your Influence Type: Platform-Specific Superstar
When we think of influencers, we generally think of people with huge followings on their blog or social media platforms. There is more to influence than just audience numbers though, which is good news for the majority of us! Different influence types means there are different ways to monetize your ...more
Blogging for Dollars

The 4 Rs That Show a Brand Your Blog is Influential
One way to monetise your blog is through working with brand partners. This could be anything from sponsored content and affiliate promotions through to ongoing ambassadorships or sponsorships. In any case, there are a number of factors I consider when it comes to determining if a blogger is “influential” and ...more
Blogging for Dollars

How do Bloggers Continue Their Professional Development?
I have a confession to make: I was a bit of a geek at school. I was the kid who asked questions all the time. What can I say? I loved learning. And I still do. Every part of the process is exciting for me – learning new things, meeting ...more
Strategy & Planning

International Start a Blog Day Class of 2020
How long have you been blogging? Is it days? Weeks? Months? Years? Or are you yet to start? Do you know that 2020 represents my third decade blogging? No, I haven’t been blogging for 30 years, but I started in the ‘Noughties’ and continued through the teen years of this ...more

Black Friday Blogging Deals – Believe the Hype!
We always caution ProBlogger readers not to buy something unless you need it, no matter the deal. BUT.... Right now is a great time to minimize the costs of your blogging by taking advantage of the incredible bargains available on the essential services you require to run your blog. The momentum that has ...more

5 Blogging Lessons You Can Learn from a Small Country Town
Looking for the fast lane to blogging success? Want to join the upper echelons of blogging stardom at the top end of town, and be dazzled by the bright lights of the big city? If you’re exhausted from chasing all the shiny things and trying to keep up with the ...more
Start a Blog

Productivity Inspiration to Get You Out of Your Blogging Slump
Did you notice the middle of the year just slide on by? Are you one of those people who has already reviewed their yearly goals to see if you’re on track? Or are you in a bit of a mid-year blogging slump? Perhaps you were out enjoying the summer weather ...more
Increasing productivity

How to Use the WordPress WYSIWYG Toolbar to Format Your Blog Posts Like a Pro
Are you using WordPress’ formatting features to their fullest? I expect you already know the basics of formatting your blog posts to make them more readable. (If you’re just getting started, you might want to check out 4 WordPress Formatting Tips to Make Your Posts More Readable for an overview of ...more
Blogging Tools and Services