Darren Rowse

Engadget and Reader Participation
6th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 3 Comments

Engadget and Reader Participation

If you want to see an innovative and highly successful way of enhancing reader participation on a blog you need to check out what Engadget did with their First annual Halloween Costume. Check out the numbers of entries that they generated in these pages. Here’s the winners – and some ...more
Case Studies
AdGenta Update
6th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 5 Comments

AdGenta Update

Mark Evans has an interesting review that compares his initial experience with the new AdGenta program in comparison with Adsense. He writes: ‘The results are pretty interesting. AdGenta generated 81 clicks from 83,700 impressions (a 0.3% conversion rate) while AdSense attracted 89 clicks from 26,687 impressions (0.9%). The AdSense traffic ...more
Are Adsense Getting into the Affiliate Marketing Game?
5th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 22 Comments

Are Adsense Getting into the Affiliate Marketing Game?

I’ve been pondering the Adsense decision to get into the referral business this morning since hearing the news. There are a number of questions and directions that my mind has taken with it. Bear with me as I think out loud for a few minutes: Who is left to Refer? ...more
Adsense Referral Program
5th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 19 Comments

Adsense Referral Program

Looks like I was wrong with my last post – apologies – but even more exciting than that is that Adsense have just launched a referal program. Now you can refer new publishers to adsense and earn $100 when they get to their first $100 of earnings. There are a ...more
Gizmodo lands iPod Advertising Campaign
4th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 7 Comments

Gizmodo lands iPod Advertising Campaign

Congratulations to Gizmodo for landing what is a very large fish when it comes to advertisers. Today I noticed a campaign with Apple focussing upon iPods which link to the official iPod page. The ads are not on every impression but target a fairly high percentage of the impressions I ...more
Podcast advertising – Fruitcast
4th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 12 Comments

Podcast advertising – Fruitcast

One of the long standing problems with podcasting for dollars is the business model – and particularly trying to find advertisers willing to sponsor a podcast (in fact finding advertisers can be a problem for bloggers also). Fruitcast is a new service for podcasters that attempts to help them find ...more
Google Referral Program
4th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 20 Comments

Google Referral Program

It looks like Google are starting a referral program for AdWords. Check it out at the Join the Google Referral Program page: ‘The Google AdWords referral program (beta) is for web sites whose customers and visitors include small to medium-sized businesses, and who want to help those companies become more ...more
Weblog Ad Directory Idea Floated
4th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 12 Comments

Weblog Ad Directory Idea Floated

There’s a fascinating post over at the Jason Calacanis Weblog about talks between Gawker, Weblogs Inc and Federated Media about putting together a Weblog Ad Directory. Looks like a pretty interesting idea for those of us (big and small – although not too small with the costs he mentions to ...more
Chitika Forums
4th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 8 Comments

Chitika Forums

Digital Point has opened up a Chitika Forum for discussion around eMiniMalls. It looks like it will be a pretty active forum and one I’ll be participating in. My id over there is Oziii if you were wondering. By the way – just saw Jeremy posted about his eMiniMall earnings ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls