Darren Rowse

PubSub Blog Category Lists
PubSub is starting to categorize bloggers into PubSub Lists. So far they only have four categories – Law, Fashion, PR and Librarians. What lists would you like to see added? Feel free to add your suggestions in comments below – but perhaps more productive is to let them know – ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Adsense of Tomorrow
Peter Forret dreams of a day when Adsense will roll out into all forms of media including: Adsense for newspapers Adsense for magazines Adsense for books Adsense for TV Adsense for radio Adsense for Wifi Adsense for cinema Adsense for movies Adsense for video-on-demand Adsense for ticketing Adsense for billboards ...more

Chitika add channels to eMiniMalls
I just logged into my Chitika eMiniMalls reports and found that they’ve finally gone live with their channels feature. They’ve also added some new columns to the stats that they report including CTR (click through rate) and Avg CPC (cost per click). The CPC is a stat that Adsense have ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

Making Titles Live Links
One of the first tips I was given when i started to blog that I’ve not talked about for a while here is to consider making the titles of your posts live links (permalinks). These days most blogging software does this automatically for you – however today as I’ve surfed ...more
Blog Design

Topix Starts Crawling Blogs
Topix.net has started crawling blogs. They announced yesterday on their Weblog that they’ve added 15,000 blogs to be crawled. This is significant news on two fronts. Firstly it is yet another way to get your blog exposure. Similarly to being indexed by Google News if you can get into the ...more
Pro Blogging News

b5media merges with About Weblogs Blog Network
We just announced our bigger announcement for the day over at b5media. b5media has just merged with About Weblogs – bringing the network to 50 active blogs. The full details are here. The press release is below if you are interested in reading it.
Blog Networks

ProBlogger formally joins b5media
Just a quick announcement that I’m sure will not shock anyone. As of today ProBlogger.net has formally joined the b5media.com network of blogs (which I am a part owner of). This will mean little in practical terms to this blog except that there will be (and have already been) some ...more
Blog Networks

Top Entrepreneurial Blogs
About.com’s Entrepreneurial page has a list of the Top 10 Most Practical Blogs for Entrepreneurs. It’s a pretty decent list of blogs – most of which are on my daily reads list. Here they are: Small Business Trends Just for Small Business WorkHappy.net Duct Tape Marketing Home Office Voice Sacred ...more
Pro Blogging News

Google Identity Required for Adsense and Adwords Login
I just logged into my Adsense and Adwords accounts and was asked to switch my login identity to a Google identity – (ie my Gmail account login). This enables me to log into a number of Google accounts with the one login – a more integrated system by the looks ...more