Darren Rowse

Idea Journals – Battling Bloggers Block
This is part 2 in the Battling Bloggers Block Series 2. Keep an idea Journal – I have a little Moleskine notebook (pictured) that I carry everywhere with me. I use it for all kinds of purposes but largely it’s for capturing random thoughts and ideas – often for speaking ...more
Writing Content

Battling Bloggers Block – Change your Blogging Environment
On the weekend I got ‘speakers block’. I had to do two speaking gigs and a couple of times in my preparation ‘hit the wall’ when it came to creative ideas on how to make my presentations to the next level. Luckily I’ve been speaking in public for around 12 ...more
Writing Content

Promote your RSS feed with ‘Add to Google’ button
You can now add a Add to Google button to your blog that will promote your RSS feed to readers to help them add your feed to their Google homepage and/or Google Reader. found via Steve
Blog Promotion

WordPress.com Goes Live
Lots of WordPress News today – it seems that the free hosted blog platform, WordPress.com has gone live and is now available for all bloggers and not just those invited into the system. Sign Up here
Blogging Tools and Services

13 Tips on Asking other Bloggers for Links
Robert writes a blog tip on how to ask him for a link in his post – A PR tip, don’t beg for links: ‘Never beg a blogger for links. Say, instead, “here’s something you might find interesting.”’ Here’s a few other tips when you’re emailing other bloggers with links. ...more
Blog Promotion

Desktop Blogging Clients
Ian McKenzie has a post that examines a number of different Desktop Blogging Clients – he manages seven blogs with Blogger, WordPress, MovableType and Thingamablog and is looking for a client with the following features: The ability to post to multiple blog clients and handle multiple accounts. Another important feature ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

OSM Name Games
It’s been interesting to watch the launch of OSM (Open Source Media), formally Pajamas Media, this past week. As with the launch of any new blogging network (of sorts) there is always a mix of critique, hype, spin and debate. One of the debates that I’m seeing more and more ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Adsense goes live with Onsite Advertiser Sign-Up
Adsense has just gone live with a new feature to allow ALL Adsense publishers to add an ‘advertise on this site’ link to their Google ads. This is a feature that they’ve been testing with a small number of publisher for a while but have just announced on their blog ...more