Darren Rowse

Get a Little Bit Personal
The next post in the b5media 12 Days of Christmas Series (I’m keeping a full list of posts there now) has been submitted by Christina Jones, another of our newly merged blogs fom the About Weblogs Network. Christina blogs for us at eBeautyDaily and the Birthday Blog (which will be ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Chitika Introduces Daily Filtering, Faster Updates and Includes more European Countries
Chitika should be happy about some of the changes announced over at the Chitika Blog today. There are two main changes: 1. Daily filtering of clicks from countries currently not supported in the eMiniMalls program: Instead of waiting till the end of the month for the audit process to filter ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

2005 Search Blog Awards
I forgot to mention that over the weekend I was told I’d been nominated in Search Engine Journal’s latest Search Blog Awards in the ‘Search Engine Marketing and Contextual Advertising Blogs’ category. The list of blogs in the awards is pretty comprehensive, I’ve just surfed through quite a few of ...more
Search Engine Optimization

How Much Did You Make from Adsense Last Month? – Poll of the Week
This week’s poll is one we’ve done before – it will be interesting to compare the results. The question is: Last month, how much did you make from Adsense? By ‘Adsense’ I mean all Adsense earnings including referrals, search earnings, RSS ads, Adlink Ads and in Content ads. To get ...more

13% of ProBlogger Readers Own 10 or More Blogs
This week’s poll of the week has certainly produced some interesting results. The question was ‘How Many Blogs Do You Own?’ Here’s the results in graphical form. The results surprised me a little. For starters it’s the biggest response I’ve ever had to a poll with 940 responses so far. ...more
Pro Blogging News

Cost Per Keyword (CPK) on the Rise
Interesting article over at eMarketer on the Cost of Keywords which has this interesting graph that plots what advertisers are paying for keywords. What stands out to me in the graph is obviously December but also the difference between this July to September and July to September of 2004 where ...more

Developing e-Products
Chris has posted a couple of good posts on related topics over the weekend. Both focus upon bloggers adding income streams to their business through selling products and not just relying upon advertising or affiliate programs. Monetizing Through Packaged Content – looks at the topic of repackaging your blog’s content ...more
Other Income Streams

Is Squidoo Optimized Well for Search Engines?
I’ve played around with Squidoo today and started a couple of lenses just to test them out. My first one is one by the same name as this blog – ProBlogger – Helping Bloggers Earn Money. My initial impression of Squidoo is mixed. I can see a few applications for ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Yahoo offers Movable Type for business bloggers
Six Apart and Yahoo have announced a partnership as Yahoo will use MovableType as to provide small businesses with websites through it’s existing small business web site management service: ‘Yahoo will effectively act as the preferred provider of Movable Type for small business users, taking advantage of its scale and ...more
Blogging Tools and Services