Darren Rowse

ProBlogger Virtual Christmas Party
One of the things I miss about not working as part of a larger team (or at least one that is physically in the same city) is the end of year Work Christmas Party. I’m not sure what happens in other parts of the world but Aussie office Christmas parties ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Yahoo! YPN Send Some Publishers a Gift
YPN have joined the gift giving and are sending some of their publishers a…. hmm….well there is some debate over what it is… but it’s a gift that some are calling a bag, others are calling a stadium/travel/picnic blanket… It comes complete with a card. The thing that seems to ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network

Small Business Branding Blog Sold
Another way to make money from your blog is to sell it like Michael Pollock from Small Business Branding has just done. He sold it to Yaro from Entrepreneurs Journey for an undisclosed figure.
Pro Blogging News

ecto offers 20% Christmas discount
Adriaan over at ecto has announced a Special Christmas discount of 20% off ecto purchases between 23 – 26 December. I use the Mac version to run all my blogs and it’s probably the best $17.95 I ever spent. I can’t vouch for the Windows version but the Mac one ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

My Advertising and Affiliate Earnings Graph – August 29 to December 19
A number of people have asked me recently how earnings have been for me in the lead up to Christmas. I’m not going to get into figures (I’ve done that enough this year) but I thought I’d show a graph to give an idea of how the past three or ...more
Pro Blogging News

Lessons about Blogging
My recent 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging post has been the hottest post on ProBlogger by far this month. I’m always amazed by how people love a good list and will link up to it. One thing that I mentioned in the original post though was that I’d love ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Google Release End of Year Zeitgeist 2005
Google has just released their end of year Zeitgeist where they share a few details of some of the more popular search terms in different categories for the year on Google. These type of lists are not only a bit of fun – I’ve previously used them in thinking about ...more
Pro Blogging News

New Technorati Features
David Sifry has announced a few new interesting features over at Technorati including charts to help you track the interest in keywords, improved extracts, scoped search based on related tags and enhanced profile information. There’s some helpful little updates there that will make Technorati more useable and useful.
Blogging Tools and Services

Write for ProBlogger ‘Summer Series’ – Submissions Open
Strangely, without asking for it, I’ve had three readers today email me either offering to write or already having taken the initiative to write tips posts for ProBlogger to go live on the blog while I’m on holidays for two weeks after Christmas. I mentioned I’d be away in my ...more
Pro Blogging News