Darren Rowse

Update of ProBlogger Competition – Thousands of Dollars in Prizes Donated
After a very hot day here (41 degrees Celsius – 106 degrees fahrenheit) where it was just too hot to sit in front of a computer and blog (plus I was marrying another couple in an outdoor wedding in the heat of the day – crazy stuff) I have logged ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Lessons from my Tomato Patch on Pruning ‘Sucker’ Blogs
Warning, Tangent Ahead – One of the best tips I’ve had in my new found hobby of growing vegetables is when it comes to growing Tomatoes (we currently have more than V and I can eat – so the tip is working). The idea behind the tip is simple. Tomato ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Publicize Yourself By Giving A Prize – Prizes Needed for ProBlogger Competition
Do you have a product, service or site/blog that you’d like to get into the line of site of bloggers? Do you have something that you could give away as a prize in a competition? If so I’d like to hear from you. Next week I’ll be launching a little ...more
ProBlogger Site News

ProBlogger Reader Links
Each day I get 10 – 20 emails from readers suggesting posts that they’ve written that I should link to. Here are three from the last 24 hours that I enjoyed: The Most Effective Way To Increase Your Readership, And It’s Free! 10 Tips to Improve the Comment Section of ...more
Pro Blogging News

What is a Domain Name Worth?
$14,000,000 Update: Ok Gang – my apologies for not warning that the link contains some information that some people might find offensive. I’ll give you the lowdown here instead…. The story – the domain sex.com has apparently just sold for $14million (USD).
Pro Blogging News

Why Nobody Reads your Blog
Hugh has put together another top ten list – this time it’s 10 reasons why nobody reads your blog. Take it with the humorous tone it was written in but see the truth in some of the points. I particularly agree with these points (Hugh’s points in bold with my ...more
Blog Promotion

Blog Spring Clean Checklist
Last week I did a spring clean of my office (although it is Summer here). It’s amazing how many bits and pieces one can accumulate over time and how they pile up to become an accumulative mess. Blogs can also become messy over time in a similar way. Most obviously ...more
Blog Design

Finding Cheap and Free Stock Photos for your Blog
If you’re looking for good cheap (and/or free) stock photos for your blog there is a helpful list over at Presentation Zen titled Where can you find good images? found via LifeHacker
Blog Design