Darren Rowse

AdSense CPM ad Facts
There’s a useful post over at the official AdSense blog titled CPM ads: Knowing the facts can pay off which busts some of the myths circulating out there about CPM ads (ie ads that you get paid for per impression rather than per click). The main points in the post: ...more

Squidoo Starts Paying Users
I just got an email from Squidoo (aff) saying that they’re moving into their next phase of actually paying their ‘lens-masters’. They also announced three new money making modules: They’ve added a new eBay module which allows people to promote eBay auctions and earn a commission on items sold (if ...more
Pro Blogging News

AdSense add ‘Add New Channel’ Popup
One of the more annoying little things that I’ve always found with AdSense is that in the setting up of a new ad unit you do all the design aspects of it and then get to the point of adding a channel. IF you want to make a new channel ...more

Diversify Your Blogging Income with Secondary Money Earners
One of the lessons that I learned after a a year of blogging for an income was the danger of relying upon a single income source for your blog. To that point I’d heavily focussed upon AdSense as a revenue stream on my blogs and was making what I thought ...more

Online Feed Readers Compared
Frank Gruber has written a great review over at TechCrunch Comparing 9 Online Feed Readers. He concludes – ‘If you are looking purely for performance, Google Reader and FeedLounge are the fastest in our tests. Bloglines and Rojo are the best choice if you are looking for a feature rich ...more

Web 2.0 Spam
It seems spammers are getting a little web 2.0 in their design. The last few days I’ve had the one below quite a few times. Large fonts, rounded corners, shiny icons…. Almost (not quite) looks like something from a collection of Web 2.0 logos.
Blog News

Writing Blog Post Headlines That Get Results
Copyblogger has a very useful post on Writing Headlines That Get Results that is well worth the read if you’re like most bloggers and spend a lot of time writing posts and then just slap a title on it. ‘According to some of the best copywriters of all time, you ...more
Writing Content

WordPress Widgets
Earlier today Six Apart announced Widgets for TypePad and today Automattic announced WordPress Widgets. They are a plugin for WP 2.0 (if you have a widget ready theme) which was previously just available on WordPress.com but now is ready to be used by WP.org bloggers. Via LifeHacker
Blogging Tools and Services

TypePad introduce Widgets
Six Apart has just announced that they’ve added a new feature to TypePad – ‘Widgets’. I’ll let them explain: What’s a Widget, you ask? It could be a list of your most recent photos, or a topic-oriented search box, or a stats counter, or ads that help you make money, ...more
Blogging Tools and Services