Darren Rowse

How to Surf Blog Traffic Tsunamis
Sometimes it’s the simplest posts that you do that seem to get the best reactions from readers. Yesterday on my Digital Photography School blog I posted a ‘beginner’ tip that I almost considered not publishing because it was pitched at such a basic level. The post was titled How to ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Free Blogger Templates
Do you Want to Improve Your Blog? Subscribe to ProBlogger Today for Free. “Where do I find Free Blogger Templates?” I’m regularly asked by bloggers using different blog platforms where they can get nice designs for their blogs, usually for free. I’m a WordPress User and therefore know a few ...more
Blog Design

How quickly after starting a blog should I put ads on it?
A number of readers have asked the above question in the past few weeks and so I thought it was time I shared my own approach to the decision of when to start running ads on a blog when launching. There are two dominant camps of opinion on this question ...more

ProBlogger Readers Definitive List of Habits of Effective Bloggers
Robert just sent me an email telling me about a post that he’s written summing up the ‘Habits of Effective Bloggers’ group writing project that we did last week. In it he’s collated the Habits suggested by the 80 participants and has come up with a list of 50 habits. ...more
Pro Blogging News

Performancing Launchpad
Performancing has announced a new service called ‘launchpad’ which is a place for people to post new gadgets, plugins, services, sites and blogs aimed at the blogging community.
Pro Blogging News

ProBlogger Earnings Poll Results – April 2006
Last Week’s ProBlogger Poll of the Week asked readers of this blog the question: ‘How Much Money did you Make from Blogging in April?’ 1504 people responded to the poll (thanks everyone) and the results revealed a similar pattern to previous polls asking about earnings. The largest category was those ...more
ProBlogger Site News

How to Blog by Phone
Jamsi has a useful post over at WorkBoxers (he’s back there blogging after Scrivs handed the domain over to him) on Blogging from your Mobile Phone which I’m sure some will find helpful.
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Adsense Injection – WordPress Plugin
Dax from Biggnuts (hehe) has developed a WordPress plugin called AdSense injection that randomly injects AdSense ads into different positions on your blog on each different page view in an attempt to combat ad blindness. You can see it in action on Dax’s blog. Simply refresh the above page numerous ...more

When Good Blogs Go Bad
I was just reading through my RSS feed and I came across a blog that I used to read on a daily basis for it’s interesting and helpful content. The blogger had a good grasp of the topic and provided a wonderful blend of the latest news in their field ...more
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