Darren Rowse

Screwy Bloglines/Feedburner Results?
Is anyone else seeing ALOT of old posts coming up in their Bloglines account as new posts today? I know this happens from time to time on an occasional basis but today it seems that every second unread item in my Bloglines account is one that I’ve read before. Some ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

AdSense Survey Questions – Have your Say Here
A number of readers have emailed me parts (or and all) of the AdSense survey that some publishers were sent over the weekend. Here are a couple of the more interesting questions that they asked. I’m not sure how serious they are about all of these things but they must ...more

How to Increase a Blog’s Page Views
There is often a lot of talk in ‘how to blog’ type articles on increasing visitors numbers to a blog there is another statistic that is important to some bloggers also – page views. Most statistics packages measure both for you – ‘visitors’ (or unique visitors) measures the number of ...more
Blog Promotion

b5media launches 4 ‘CoBranded’ Blogs
I don’t generally post every announcement that we make over at b5media but this is one that I think fits with the ProBlogger focus of bloggers finding new ways to build commercial blogs. Today we’re announcing four new cobranded blogs with VIP Fan Clubs – the official fan club and ...more
Pro Blogging News

AdSense Sends Some Publishers Surveys
Threads on Digital Point and Webmaster World are reporting that AdSense has sent out a survey to some publishers in the last few hours. Participants are entered in a competition to win them a possible $1000 ‘gift card’. Did anyone get a survey to fill in?

Experimenting with Flickr Groups
Just a quick update on the latest experiment that I’ve been doing at my Digital Photography School blog. A couple of weeks ago I had a few emails from readers who started to make suggestions about how they’d like to share their photos, work on group projects and meet other ...more
Case Studies

Problogger ‘Issues’
Apologies to readers for the outage of ProBlogger today. I’m not really able to say what the problem was but hopefully we’re back up and running and won’t have another long outage like we had today. After a long frustrating day I think I might go watch Australia take on ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Email Newsletters are More Emotionally Engaging than Websites: Study
While we’re talking about email newsletters – Nielsen Normal Group have done some interesting research (found via an email from Ken – again) that finds that readers of email newsletters have ‘highly emotional reactions to them’ in contrast to the reactions that readers of websites have (where they are more ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Email Newsletters – How Many Get Emails Through?
iZachy has a very interesting post comparing email newsletter services called – Are Your Subscribers Getting Your Newsletters?. In it Ken (a different Ken to the last post) compares services from FeedBlitcz, Squeet, FeedBurner and Zookoda. I’m not completely sure on the accuracy of it all for all readers and ...more
Pro Blogging News