Darren Rowse

Sponsor ProBlogger’s Group Writing Project
update: I’ve now found enough sponsors for the coming week’s project (which I’ve put off for an extra week). Thanks to everyone who has offered. Next week I’m planning another ProBlogger Group Writing Project which I think will be a lot of fun and that every blogger (of virtually any ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Should Blogs Use The Extended Entry (more) Feature?
A reader this week submitted the following question: “What is your take on blog posts that show only the first few paragraphs on the main site and then require clicking on “more” or “continue” or some similar link in order to see the entire post? I know I rarely click ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Reinvent Your Blog
Warning – Tangent Ahead…. As I write this post I’m sitting in my favorite cafe sipping on a great coffee and getting ready to order some lunch. This cafe has been a regular part of my blogging workflow for quite a few years now. It’s just around the corner from ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Managing Blog Workflow with Wridea
Max Limpag shares part of his blogging workflow and how he uses Wridea to help him take blog posts from an idea stage to a ‘publish’ stage. His style is to work on a post over time and so finds Wridea useful to keep track of where he’s up to. ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Chitika add New Categories and Ad Sizes
Chitika have announced a number of changes to their eMinimalls over night. Firstly they’ve added 18 new categories (giving you a total of 44 now). The new categories are: Photography Accessories Cellular Accessories Computer Games Computer Speakers Laptop Accessories Scanner Accessories CD and DVD Burners In Dash Receivers Small Appliances ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

Comments are Back
Apologies to anyone who tried to comment here at ProBlogger over night. I’m not sure what the issue was but they were broken for a number of hours. All seems to be back up and running now though so if you had something to say on one of the last ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Adding Video to Your Blog
I’m a big fan of Mike Rundle’s writing and his latest work at Business Logs is a good example of his common sense approach to blogging. Today he’s written about Coattail Riding Instructions For YouTube and gives 3 “Don’ts” and 3 “Do’s” for adding video to a blog. Here’s his ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Grow Your Blog’s Readership By Targeting Readers
Who is your Primary Blog’s Target reader? I was speaking with a blogger a couple of weeks ago via IM and he asked me the eternal question that we all seem to ask: ‘How do I find more readers for my blog?’ It’s a question I get asked a fair ...more
Blog Promotion

Analyzing Successful Sites SEO
Ross Dunn has a good article on Demystifying Your Competitor’s Ranking Success which gives you some hints to analyzing other blogs and websites in your niche – particularly those who rank well in search engines. He uses a hypothetical example as he outlines the areas to analyze. It gives you ...more
Search Engine Optimization