Darren Rowse

Lesson for the day – Renew Your Domain Name
Don’t let your domain names expire. Easy to do – especially if you’re changing your email addresses around. PS: I’ve been going with 10 year domain registrations recently to help with this – but also because a patent released by Google last year indicated that they look at length of ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Prizes Needed – Sponsor ProBlogger’s Next Group Writing Project
The week after next I’ll be holding the next ProBlogger Group Writing Project. I’ll keep the topic a secret until then but after the success of offering prizes for the last project I’d like to do the same again. If you have a prize you’d like to offer the project ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Interview with Text Link Ads President – Patrick Gavin
Jamsi has a nice interview with the chief of Text Link Ads (aff), Patrick Gavin. In it Patrick answers some FAQs about TLA and hints at a new product launch in the coming weeks (keep an eye on ProBlogger for more details on that one). A few of the highlights ...more

CPC Ads Vs Affiliate Programs
Robyn writes a thought provoking post with the title of Why Use Affiliate Ads Rather Than AdSense or YPN? In it she points out the benefits of going with affiliate programs that pay larger amounts when people purchase a product in comparison to CPC (cost per click) ad programs like ...more

Blog Security – Tips on Keeping Your Blog from being Hacked
Quite a few people have asked me questions about ProBlogger being hacked last week. Questions have ranged from ‘do you know who did it?’ to ‘have you found out how they did it?’ to ‘how can we protect ourselves from being hacked?’ By the way – my blogging buddy Andy ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

reddit buttons
reddit have released reddit buttons for webmasters and bloggers to put on their sites to help spread the word about their posts. They come in three styles. Give them a go and let us know how you find them. Do you actively promote social bookmarking options to your readers? Do ...more
Blog Promotion

Tubetorial Launches – First Impression Review
I’ve been waiting the launch of tubetorial for the past few weeks since hearing about it from Brian from Copyblogger (one of the gang behind tubetorial). Tubetorial is a video based tutorial site which will focus upon web development and internet marketing. It’s launched with three videos: What Bloggers Need ...more
Pro Blogging News

Technorati Tag Link Generator
Blake writes a post on Technorati Tags and has developed a little Technorati Tag Link Generator tool that may be of some use to some of you who don’t have the functionality built into your blogging tools already (like some blog desktop publishers do). Here’s some tags I just used ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Lessons from Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter
A few readers have emailed me today to ask if I’m going to post about the tragic death of Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter. While I’m a proud Australian and have been saddened by his passing, I’d not really seen the need for a post here to mark the occasion as ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips