Darren Rowse
Building a Better Blog: Help Us Help You With the 2015 ProBlogger Census
It has been a massive year here at ProBlogger HQ – behind the scenes we’ve been working hard on a number of new things including: Adding to our team – in addition to having Stacey Roberts come on as our editor almost two years ago I’ve more recently brought Laney ...more
Blog News
Why You Should Make Building Community a Priority in Your Blogging
Do you ever feel as a blogger like you’re talking to an empty room? I know I have definitely felt that way! Particularly when I first started Digital Photography School. But if you feel that way too, I want you to know: you’re not alone. When you write a blog ...more
Build Community
15 Questions to Ask to Help Identify Your Blogging Niche or Focus
In today’s episode of the ProBlogger podcast I wanted to talk about the nitty gritty of defining what your blog is about. Not just to pigeonhole anybody, or to put any constraints on your creativity, but to help you hone in on what you want to provide and how you want ...more
Should You Use Timestamps on Your Blog? The Pros and Cons
A reader asked me recently about using timestamps on blogs, as she’s redesigning hers and wondered if she should use them or not in her new design. It’s a question I get asked fairly often so I’ve dedicated today’s ProBlogger podcast to sharing with you the pros and cons of ...more
9 Hurdles I’ve Faced as a Blogger and How I Got Over Them
I was speaking at a small event here in Melbourne recently and I was asked about the common hurdles bloggers face when building profitable blogs. It’s a difficult question to answer, as everyone’s hurdles are different – as are their coping strategies. In today’s podcast I thought going through the ...more
8 Effective Ways to End a Blog Post
Bloggers talk a lot about how to start a blog post – how to craft the perfect title, how to hook the reader in from the first sentence – but equally important is how you end it. How you leave the reader at the end of your post can have a ...more
How to Promote Yourself without Coming Across as a Jerk
The thing about blogging is that it’s not just blogging – you have to push your work out to others in order to be read. It’s an aspect of the job that is so intimidating for some that it totally holds them back from reaching their blog’s full potential. But without ...more
Blog Promotion
3 Questions to Ask Yourself When You’re Afraid
Fear is one thing I know those of us in this industry (and generally in life) can really hold you back. Often we’re so worried about what might happen when we try something new that we end up just not. So in today’s podcast I wanted to share some strategies ...more
How I Made over $500,000 with the Amazon Affiliate Program
Six months into blogging, I realised that this hobby of mine was going to need some kind of income stream, and I happened to come across the Amazon Affiliate program, where I would earn a small commission on their products I recommended. Twelve years later, I’ve earned over half a ...more
Affiliate Programs