Darren Rowse

RSS-to-Email Comparison Review – FeedBlitz
This is the second part of a three part series of posts on different RSS to Email Solutions. You can read Part 1 which reviews Feedburner’s system here and a review of Zookoda and Aweber here. This post has been contributed by Brian Armstrong of Breaking Free. FeedBlitz Review FeedBlitz ...more

RSS-to-Email Comparison Review – FeedBurner, FeedBlitz, Zookoda, AWeber
This first part of a three part series of posts has been contributed by Brian Armstrong of Breaking Free (read more about him at the end of this post). Most bloggers have heard that providing an email subscription option is a good idea. The reasoning goes that most internet users ...more

Links that Don’t mention the iPhone – Speedlinking 2 July 2007
I’ve come very close to simply marking every unread in my RSS readers as ‘read’ today because something close to 50% of posts that I’m reading are about one thing – the iPhone. While I’m a big fan of Apple and think this looks like a great product – I’m ...more
Pro Blogging News

My Weekend Blog Strategy
In my last post I asked ‘What do you do with your blog on the weekend?‘ Having asked the question I thought I’d give a quick answer myself to shed a little light on one strategy (of many) that I’ve been using. I ask questions You’ve probably noticed it if ...more
Writing Content

What do you do with your Blog on the Weekend?
The weekend is here and I’m looking forward to some fun. You see today is my Son’s first birthday party (his actual birthday is next Friday) and we’re getting together with family and friends to celebrate his first year as well as doing a dedication ceremony (sort of like a ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

More Tips on Getting Unverified Email Subscribers to Confirm their Subscription
Yesterday I wrote a tip on increasing subscriber numbers to your blog that focussed upon those doing it via Feedburner’s RSS to Email feature emailing unverified subscribers to remind them to confirm their subscription. The post generated quite a few questions via comments and email – to the point that ...more
Blog Promotion

Speedlinking – 29 June 2007
After a year of blogging Charlene writes some reflections in a post titled Web Site Monetization – A Reality Check Webconfs has a useful list of SEO basics – arranged with scores next to them ranging from +3 (strategies worth doing) to -3 (things to avoid). Nice list. DoshDosh shares ...more
Pro Blogging News

AdSense launch Referrals 2.0
AdSense have today announced that they are expanding the previously closed beta Referrals 2.0 program to be available to all AdSense publishers. This newly expanded Referrals is going to take a while for publishers to get their heads around but the basics of the expansion are that now instead of ...more

ProBlogger Goes Mobile
If you’re a blackberry user you can now follow ProBlogger via that device as a result of the network to which this blog belongs, b5media, Going Mobile. b5media now has over 200 blogs on a variety of topics – all of which can be read on the go from your ...more
ProBlogger Site News