Darren Rowse

Respond to Comments On Your Blog
One of the most basic skills that any blogger should spend time working on from the very early days is responding to comments on your blog – and that’s today’s task in the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Project. While this is one of the simplest acts that ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

The Huffington Post Promotes Top Commenters To Be Featured Bloggers
Scott Karp from Publishing 2.0 has a fascinating interview with Arianna Huffington from The Huffington Post on their recent decision to allow their top Commenters to Bloggers on the site. The idea is pretty simple – Paul Berry explains in the announcement post: “Reading through the comments on our site, ...more
Pro Blogging News

The Next Internet Millionaire – Episode 1
When Joel Comm emailed me a month or two back to tell me about his new project – a reality show called the Next Internet Millionaire – I have to admit that I was a little skeptical. For starters – I’m not a massive fan of the hype of internet ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How is the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Project Going for You?
We’ve passed the halfway point in the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog project and so I thought it might be worth taking a few moments out from the daily tasks to ask how readers are finding it. I’ve been getting some wonderful feedback via email and comments but ...more
ProBlogger Site News

More on Advertising on StumbleUpon
A number of readers have questioned whether running a StumbleUpon advertising campaign is the best use of a marketing budget for a blogger. The main point of contention was that 0.05 cents per impression ($50 CPM – or per 1000 impressions) is too much to pay. I wanted to write ...more
Blog Promotion

Create a Sneeze Page and Propel Readers Deep Within Your Blog
It’s Day 18 in the 2007 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Project and today your task is to develop a ‘Sneeze Page’ (or pages) for your blog. One of the challenges that faces blogs that have been around for a while is that they end up with a ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Control Who Sees Your Ads With ‘Who Sees Ads?’ WordPress Plugin
I’ve had a number of people point me to a WordPress plugin by the name of Who Sees Ads? in the last week so thought it might be time to check it out myself. This great plugin enables you to target certain readers to see your ads – while others ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Blog Action Day – October 15 2007
There’s a nice project happening in October called Blog Action Day that is attracting a bit of attention today after it’s launch. The concept is pretty simple – bloggers around the world all committing to post on the one topic on the same day. The first day is October 15 ...more
Pro Blogging News

Be Careful What You Wish For – 5 Lessons to Learn from Robert Scoble
Today I read a post over at Robert Scoble’s blog called Things on my mind… which I found myself resonating with quite strongly. I want to share some ‘lessons’ that we can take from his situation at the end of this post – but a few other thoughts first: In ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips