Darren Rowse

Building Blog Readership by Monitoring What Other Bloggers are Writing
Today I want to share a technique that I used when I started my first money making blog to find new readers. It’s one of those tips that probably won’t bring you thousands of new visitors to your blog all at once – but it definitely did help me to ...more
Blog Promotion

Check How Many Google Subscribers You Have
I’m not sure when this happened but King Nomar just let me know that Google have added a tool to their Webmaster Tools that allows you to check how many subscribers your RSS feeds have in Google’s feed readers (iGoogle, Google Reader, Orkut). The numbers reported only count Google subscribers ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Driving Traffic to Your New Blog
Greg Hickman dropped a question in my question box that I think represents the question that many people ask me about finding readers for a blog. While there are no easy answers for finding readers I think it’s a topic well worth coming back to again and again. Greg writes: ...more
Blog Promotion

How to Position Yourself for Seasonal Search Engine Traffic and Not Put Your Readers Offside
Leon followed up my recent video post where I talked about anticipating what people will be searching for as a technique for growing your blog’s readership with a question: “How do you anticipate searches without sacrificing the quality of your posts?” Good question Leon – I’ve seen a number of ...more
Blog Promotion

Speedlinking – 13 September 2007
There have been some great posts written in the last few days around the blogging about blogging space. Here are a few that caught my eye: Shoemoney answers a reader question – How to make money from a blog with $100 promotional budget. His response draws on some nifty Google ...more
Pro Blogging News

Getting to 1000 Visitors a Day, When to Go Pro, .Net or .Com and Lonely Bloggers – Reader Questions Answered
Click To Play play_blip_movie_379861(); Today’s video is me tackling four questions from readers: 1. How long did it take to get to 1000 visitors a day (and how did I do it)? – submitted by Jason from atomicguitarist.com. Read a little more on anticipating what people will be searching for ...more
Video Posts

Leaked Video Reveals Google Reader Developments
A leaked video from Google on Google Reader reveals some fascinating hints at where the reader is headed according to Blog Scoped. Some of the highlights: Google will work on a standard for feed publishers to tell aggegrators about changes in the feed The Reader team is going to integrate ...more
Pro Blogging News

The ‘Best’ Example of Linkbait (This Week)
Leo has created a great example of linkbait in his post NxE’s Fifty Most Influential Bloggers. While the validity of the list itself will create debate (and already has in comments) these sorts of lists tend to work well for a number of reasons. They appeal to the egos of ...more
Blog Promotion

Full Or Partial RSS Feeds – The Great Feed Debate
This week I want to try something a little different and attempt a debate here at ProBlogger. The idea is simple – I’ve chosen two people who I think have experience around a debated blogging topic to argue the case for either side of it. These two opinions will act ...more
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