Darren Rowse

How Do I Build Credibility and Presence Online?
@SmallFishMedia asks about “How To Boost Credibility And Presence Online As A Blogger” Let me compile a little list of comments on this questions: it takes time to build credibility with people. Don’t rush it work at having a presence not just on your own blog but in other relevant ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How to Build Community on Your Blog
@SmallFishMedia asks – “What can you do to make your blog more of a community?” There are many things that you can do to build a sense of community on a blog. Here’s a short list of ideas that come to mind: Take the lead and be the community that ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Blog Design – Does it Matter?
@mattpacker asks – how important is the design of your blog and how hard a decision do you think it would be to develop a new theme for it? There will probably be a little debate over this one in the comments on this post because every time I see ...more
Blog Design

How to Build Your Blog’s Readership
@jeremyjacks asks – How did you get to be a big blogger? And what should I do to get more site hits?” also – @JoshAnstey asks – “whats the best way to build blog exposure?” I’m not sure I’m famous outside of a very small segment of the internet – ...more
Blog Promotion

Is it Worth Getting Local Domain Names for a Blog?
@PopularWealth asks – “I’d like to see geo-domain blogging addressed since you ask Darren. I think geo domains, and “local” sites are getting hot again” I’m no expert on this topic but I do think that there is something to it well worth exploring from my own personal experience. My ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How Do I Get More Relevant Readers for My Blog?
@happygirl08 asks about how to – “get more relevant readers to your blog/ mailing list??” Good question – some bloggers tend to focus on getting more readers of any kind – they don’t really care about who they are, they just want their numbers to increase. So I think it’s ...more
Blog Promotion

This weekend is a Speed Posting Weekend!
This weekend is a long weekend here in Australia (for ANZAC day) and it’s also my birthday on Sunday… so this weekend I want to try something a little different here on ProBlogger. Yesterday I asked my followers on Twitter if they had any questions that they wanted me to ...more
ProBlogger Site News

5 Ideas to Come Up with Blog Content from Your Daily Life
Many bloggers suffer from the daily grind of having to find new posts for their blog – but what if there was an easier way? What if your next post was right before you in the activities that you do each day? One great way to find new content for ...more
Writing Content

AdSense Roll out Ad Review Center to All Publishers
AdSense have today rolled out their new(ish) Ad Review Center for all AdSense publishers. I’m happy about this as I was in this last batch of publishers to see it. The idea behind the Ad Review Center is that when advertisers target your specific blog you now can see that ...more