Darren Rowse

Skribit – Find Out What Your Readers Want You to Write About
Thanks to an email from Matt (no url supplied) I’m playing around with a new little widget on my sidebar here at ProBlogger called Skribit. The idea is that it’s a tool for gathering and prioritizing the topics that readers (ie YOU) want a blogger (ie ME) to write about ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

My Top 10 Traffic Sources
This month I’m asking What is the Biggest Source of Traffic to Your Blog in our sidebar poll. I’m finding the results so far interesting. It’s still early to draw too many conclusions although Google is a clear winner so far with 49% of the vote (in comparison to all ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

A Remedy for Blogger Inferiority Complex
Yesterday I wrote about the problem of blogger inferiority complex and how often as bloggers we can limit our potential by defining ourselves negatively. Today I want to get a little more constructive and suggest a remedy for this common problem. In doing so I want to help those of ...more
Featured Posts

Chitika Roll Out CPM Filler Ads for Unsupported Countries
Chitika have been rolling out their new CPM ads over the last few days. These impression based ads will appear mainly on sites with a lot of traffic from non supported countries (they only serve their own ads to traffic from USA, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

What You Say is What You Are – The Problem of Blogger Inferiority Complex
Image by JettGirl Today I was scanning through some emails from readers and it struck me that so many of those that I hear from are suffering from a similar ailment. Let me share a few excerpts from emails I received today and see if you can spot what it ...more
Featured Posts

Who Wants to Learn How to Make Web Videos That Sell?
I’m starting a new course this week (as a student) – it’s called WebVideo University. Over the past 6 or so so months I’ve been experimenting more and more with using Video on my blog. It started out with just an experiment or two but the response from readers was ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Google Page Rank Updating…. But….
This is a short post that might hopefully stop the flood of emails that I’ve been getting for the last 24 hours: Google’s Page Rank seems to be updating. Thanks to the 47 people who have emailed, Twittered and IM’d me to let me know. While these updates can be ...more
Search Engine Optimization
![What Topic is Your Blog? [POLL RESULTS]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
What Topic is Your Blog? [POLL RESULTS]
Last month the ProBlogger Poll asked readers to tell us what their blog’s topic is. The results are in and it’s a fairly even spread across 11 categories. There were 3043 responses that categorized themselves as follows: I was actually quite surprised by the evenness of topics covered. There is ...more
Reader Questions

Five Reasons Why Mom Blogs Are the Blogs to Watch
The following post exploring the rise of Mom Blogs is by Michelle Mitchell from Scribbit. In the Wall Street Journal’s April 10th issue Sue Shellenbarger interviewed Heather Armstrong (known to millions of fascinated fans as Dooce) and a gasp of surprise went up from print media around the country (even ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips