Darren Rowse

TeachingSells to Close Doors 31 July
One of the best courses that I’ve personally participated in on the topic of teaching people how to make money online is TeachingSells – and it’s about to close it’s doors to new members (in just 7 days). Every time I come to write about TeachingSells, its creators have added ...more
Pro Blogging News

Google’s Knol – A Wikipedia Killer or a Blog Killer?
Is Google’s Knol an attack on Wikipedia or Could it hurt Smaller Publishers like bloggers more? So today Google finally opened up and launched Launched Knol (it’s been coming for a while) a place where people can publish ‘authoritative articles about specific topics’. It’s like Wikipedia in that articles can ...more
Pro Blogging News

Follow These Twitter Users – They’re Just Like You
ProBlogger reader – I’d like to introduce you to some new friends – around 700 of them (and counting). Over the weekend, on a whim, I started the ProBlogger Social Media Love-In as a way of linking you as readers of this blog together via social media. In that post ...more
Social Media

A Secret to Sustain Yourself as a Blogger
Today I want to talk about an issue may seem more suited to a ‘self help’ blog than a blog about blogging – but it’s something that I think is pretty important you want to be a successful blogger. It’s something that is so important that it can make or ...more

Conversion Blogging Video
Yaro Starak from the popular Blog Mastermind mentoring program has today released a video that looks at a processing of making money from blogs that he calls Conversion Blogging. Yaro’s been using it to make over $10,000 a month from his blog. Yaro is an expert at building an audience ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

The Power of Making Readers Famous
The last 24 hours on ProBlogger have seen a lot of action around our social media love-in project that is currently running. Not only has there been a lot of action in the comments on that post but it’s driven up traffic and increased the numbers of emails that readers ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Social Media Love-In: Phase 2 Coming Soon
Wow – when I posted an invitation this morning for ProBlogger readers to promote their social media profiles on this post I didn’t know what would happen – but I suspected it would be fun. It’s been almost 9 hours since the post went live and over 280 readers have ...more
Social Media

AdSense Announce Changes to Ad Ecosystem.
Today AdSense publishers (or at least some of them) received the following email outlining some recent ‘changes and improvements’ to the Google ad system. These changes largely revolve around new features that they’ve added to AdWords to let advertisers target websites differently (more control). One of the big changes is ...more

Welcome to the ProBlogger Social Media Love-In
Image by Mandala Update: This will close after 24 hours – read more about why here. Today I want to try something a little different and want to invite you to share your social media profiles with us (please read the ‘rules’ below before participating). Are you active on social ...more
Social Media