Darren Rowse

Is Writing Great Content Enough to Build a Successful Blog?
At times you could be forgiven for thinking it is – if you read a lot of blogs on ‘how to blog’ that is. One of the first thing that most of us who write about blogging advise those starting out is to work on writing useful and unique content. ...more
Featured Posts

Blog Hosting – Which Hosts Top Blogs Use
Who is Hosting This has put together a great little study into the blog hosts of the top 100 bloggers (according to Technorati). On top of the list is Media Temple, Datagram, BlogSpot and Six Apart. Yes you heard it, 8 of the top 100 blogs use Blogspot and 4 ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

AdWords Keyword Tool How to Use it to Hone Post Titles and Choose Blog Topics
Today I want to point out a useful tool for bloggers wanting to do a little research into topics to blog about (or even what topic to choose for your next overall new blog). The tool is a free one from Google – their AdWords Keyword Tool. This tool is ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

The Buzz about Yahoo Buzz
I opened my inbox this morning to find quite a bit of mail on the one topic – Yahoo Buzz which today opened up its doors to the public and started allowing other sites outside of it’s initial closed test to submit stories to it. Yahoo Buzz is a social ...more
Social Media

Applying for a Blogger Job? Treat it Seriously
Today I received an email from one of the advertisers on the ProBlogger Job Boards. They reflected back to me that they’d had a lot of ‘low quality’ job applications and made some suggestions for those looking to apply for a blogger job. I’ll include their suggestions below. Let me ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Blog World Expo (Winners of Passes) – I’m Going Too!
A couple of weeks ago I announced that Blog World Expo had generously decided to give away two free passes to their conference in September to ProBlogger readers. There were a lot of entries so it took us a while to choose the winners but over the weekend Rick emailed ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

The Why and How on Repeating Content on Your Blog
Many bloggers come to a point in their blogging after they’ve been at it for a sustained period of time where they need to make a decision about repeating content and posting on topics they’ve already covered. Here’s a recent question from a reader who wished to remain anonymous: “I ...more
Writing Content

AdSense for Feeds Goes Live
Over the last week or two some Feedburner Ad Network publishers have been transitioned over to the new AdSense Feed Advertising system and over the weekend AdSense for Feeds has gone live for everyone. You should now see them in your AdSense setup tab. AdSense for feeds is similar to ...more

Join me in Blog Action Day – 15 October 2008
Blog Action Day 2008 Poverty from Blog Action Day on Vimeo. I hope you’ll consider joining me in this year’s Blog Action Day – The topic This year is Poverty.
Pro Blogging News